
Always busy, Speaker Ryan was forced to multi-task and draft legislation to defund all soup kitchens during the limo ride to his fund raiser later that night.

And HBO's tireless CEO of Tits can check off the box for "threesome" as well.

Said no Targaryen ever…

"Incest, it gets the job done" — It was even in "Hamilton"! Are gonna argue with GRRM AND Lin Manuel-Miranda? I thought not…

He always does that hand gesture when he talks. There's a great side-by-side video showing him and the Mooch making exactly the same motions, BTW. Besides, snaky & subtle are not Drumpf's normal M.O. when it comes stuff like this.

"Do you see the light!?"
"Yes. It's Randyll Tarly. He's on fire."

Littlefinger: So let me get this straight — I help you bring down the Wall, you wipe humanity from the face of Westeros, I get the Iron Throne but the only way Sansa marries me is that she's a blue-eyed, soulless, ice queen?
Night King: Yesss, impudent mortal. But know th…
Littlefinger: Deal!

You could literally see the sphincter-tightening stress in his gait. "Just keep walking, don't make eye contact. Just keep walking, everything is perfectly normal…" it was freakin' brilliant.

Dickon: "Mongo like candy…"

My pet theory, Randyll Tarly committed suicide by dragon. Yes, he went out like a boss – back straight, looking his enemy in the eye…and in a touching gesture, holding hands with his warrior son. But I think Tarly Sr. saw the bill coming due not only for betraying House Tyrell but also for his treatment of Sam. Many

For all its sex and dragons and fate of the world in the balance seriousness, last night’s episode had some classic vaudeville. Davos tap dancing by the boat milked the clueless crooked cop trope for all it was worth (“What’s in the boat?” “Not more gold.” “Ham? I like ham…”) which forces him to switch to full


Thrones is getting really good at working in the dick jokes this season. First it's Bronn taking the piss out of Dickon Tarley (all start tight end, Fancy Lad School), and now it's Davos back in full smuggler mode with the world's best misdirect — "I just happen to have right here some of the famous Flea Bottom

Cercei it talking about hiring The Gold Company, with whom Jorah has no history. In the books, he and Tyrion hide in plain site with the Second Sons who we all assume will go over to Daenerys when the battle in Slaver's Bay goes south for Yunkish. I don't know that the Gold Company has been mentioned before in the

Did any other viewers find Tycho Nestoris' quick transition from Cold Eyed Instrument of the Most Fearsome Financial Institution in the World to Obsequious Predatory Lender weird? Sure the Crown's monstrous debt is getting repaid in full with cash on the barrel head but the Iron Bank is not without an information

Anyone else get the impression that Arya just added Littlefinger to The List? The long, assessing look she gave him after her beautifully choreographed sparring match with Brienne seemed to indicate that, at least to me.

I'm pretty sure the whole purpose of Dickon is to let Bronn take the piss out of his social betters ("fancy lad school" FTW!) and possibly to show us in a very graphic way in a later episode that Sam is now heir to House Tarley if he can get out of his Nightswatch vows.
Oh, and dick jokes of course.

They had two completely different purposes. A trebuchet is used to take down walls with heavy stones or delivery payload (severed heads, diseases corpses, incendiaries) over them. Ballistae are anti-personnel weapons used to take our a handful of soldiers when they are arrayed in obligingly dense formations. They

If thought about in volleyball terms, Davos, like a good, humble adviser, tees others up for the spike every time. It's kind of funny that he's charmed enough by Missendei that he'll tee the Targs up for a rhetorical spike every now and then to keep the conversation going between the two sides. The "forgive me if