
Excellent books, too! You can be forgiven if you picture the book characters with the show folks because those parts are that well cast. Expanse is streamlining a bit, too, but is a top notch adaptation of really, really good source material.

<archer voice=""> Because this is how you let Miller Lite win. </av>

And that right there is probably E. coli, or maybe Hanta virus, but the important point is…stop bleeding out so loudly, please…the important point is to incentivise consumers to make more freedomy choices by elimanating tyrannical ingredient lists and food purity regulations. I think we can all agree that somebody

Pfft. Keith Stone and his awesome mullet would like a word.

But then some hot pieces of ass walked by in thong bikinis and we forgot what the hell we were talking about. Long story short: that's how I met your grandmother and got the clap from your great aunt all in the same weekend.

Man, I miss Phil Hartman…

Given where they seem to be heading with the streamlined Rollo/William the Conquerer angle, I think Rollo is going to have to survive so that he can raise his son hating the Saxons for killing his famous and favorite uncle — who William will never have met but will get lots of genetic code from. Either that or Rollo

And the fact that he totally turned that "part of a larger, bolder strategy" quote back on Ecbert during their long, boozy reunion was the cherry on top. Sure it's TV and all, but it's fascinating to watch him come to the conclusion that Ragnar the actual person would never be able to raise an army that could conqure

I love that even though he might not trully believe in the Norse pantheon any more, Ragnar never looked more like Odin than he did in that cage with one eye swollen shut and the other impossibly blue one looking like a special effect. (OK, there was an awesome scene in Season 3 I think where he had a raven the size

Let's all be sure to wave at Brad after some little kids notes how much more life like the pirates are in the new Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney.
[Screechy music and 3-step close up on Brad's twitching, panicy eye in the new "animatronic" pirate]

I a better, alternate universe Leigh makes sure Barbara is really comatose and then draws a hipster mustache on her with a Sharpie.

I thought the guy they were trying to get Julia to indentify in the film was the German mole who gave the Heisenberg device plans to the Japanese? I've only watched Ep. 1 of this season so forgive not knowing if that plot point resolves really soon.

Well as the despot in control of litterally half the world's resources it makes sense to me that he'd be able to divert herculean amounts of medical research and tech to his personal health problems. I think it's a reasonable plot device to have his Parkinson's shakes show up now that he's reached to limit of what

Well as the despot in control of litterally half the world's resources it makes sense to me that he'd be able to divert herculean amounts of medical research and tech to his personal health problems. I think it's a reasonable plot device to have his Parkinson's shakes show up now that he's reached to limit of what

And now I'm going to watching for red stapler anytime he's on screen to see if that is an official easter egg.

And, of course, the One Guy who can blow the lid of everything is not a calm, inspiring Elrond type, but a prickly, chain-smoking recluse in a bathrobe who knows just how shitty human being can be to each other and I'm sure vascilates back and forth about whether trying to undo the current reality is even worth it.

Seven Evil Exes? Or would that be too reductive? Gods know somebody is getting boob punched before episode 10 is over…

Also the whole "I don't want to get a really obvious boner in front of my friends and some crazy chick" vibe was equally well conveyed. ;-)

Barb will find better friends, and hopefully a more flattering haircut, in Heaven!

Turning down an orgy in this case seems like a temporary reprieve at best if you love interest is Steve (I Definitely Have Roofies in My Backpack) Harrington