
Without the hair, and from certain angles I though she was John Turturro's kid…

"Reverse Horror Movie Logic" — girl leaves her shirt on AND finds the keys to the car

Three of us! Had total flashbacks to Back in the Day and wondered where my parachute pants and Duran Duran boots got off to…

That was great. Literally Odin intervening and saying "I'm not done with you yet, boy." And as the reviewer pointed out, Fimmel did a great job at turning Ragnar's exasperation into both pathos and comedy gold.

My guess/hope is that they'll take the Game of Thrones structure for Ragnar's demise. Kill him off in episode 8 or 9 and so you have some quality weepy scenes about the characters' lives without him (I'm not crying — you're crying!) and then the sons (and maybe even Floki and Lagertha) manage to find common ground in

Yeah, Ubbe seems like a surviver only because he's always thinking about how to keep things from spinning out of control — which I guess is a daily concern when your the "eldest" brother of Lothbrok Brood 2.0. A useful skill for a rule if his sensitive nature doesn't get him killed first (#JonSnow)

Sigurd is definitely Viking Joe Dirt.
Plus he looks way too much like Horik's awful son Erlander. Since I don't think it was ever implied that Asluag slept with Horik, it always struck me as an odd casting choice.

It also has a shot that should have been its own grind house movie:

At first when she was staring skyward into the bright white light I though: WTF, is she being abducted by a UFO? How are the going to work *that* into the backstory arc!?

I noticed in Ep. 1 or 2 that the MiB is using what looks like a LeMat, the fairly rare Confederate revolver with a freakin' shotgun round suspended below the chamber. And during one of his reloading scenes he loads up both revolver chamber and and the shotgun chamber after shooting that one host through the adobe wall.

That would be great hat tip to MMO and shooter games when you mow down a mob and the death animations accidently sync up like a chorus line.

He totally needs to show up in an extravegant pair of sunglasses at some point. Or when camping outside with guests the camp needs to be attacked by wolverines.
Guest: I fucking hate wolverines!
Teddy: A wolverine stole my girlfriend.
Guest: What?
Teddy: What?

OMFG! GlaDOS snarking and fat shaming guests would the best thing ever.

Or that Mgmt is so tired of his shit that after murdering his way to and through the Maze, he comes to a door. And when he opens that door, he's in the parking lot and is given a refund for however many days are still left on the vacation he booked.

And that scene was freakin' brilliant. And a much needed bit of levity. You go, chinless nebbish with the ugliest frock coat in wardrobe!

Yeah, but if it's a Western saloon full of beautiful robo-hookers, I'm totally running in before the rest of the party is ready. Fuck those guys.

So far it's getting consistently muffled by gunfire and hooker boobs, so we may never find out.

And I'm sure there is a lot contingency programming in the robo-hookers' AI for when the Guest fails his premature ejaculation saving throw.

"Deep & dreamless slumber" triggers a specific response (power down) because it activates a resident piece of code. So does that mean the "violent delights" phrase is also triggering a dormant code set? The phrase itself isn't somehow causing a malfunction but is turning on newly/secretly? installed code — possibly

Srsly. They should have a scene where the super hot host in the white dress drops a phone book sized waiver form on the table for the Guest to sign before "anything" happens.