
I thought Uma's whole body was made of fake wads of putty.

I propose seriously that from now on there should be a dedicated set of AVC staff that try their best to carry on Chang's tradition and force themselves to eat anything that comes their way, without reservation.

DAAAAAAMN, Douche, you just got… DIAGNOSED.



Frank can't take any sort of criticism, ever, about anything. He just goes off. He's about the most defensive person in the world, and can't ever admit the slightest mistake.

At what point does Dali tie his colleagues to a railroad track?

The Apple Newton would be great, especially since Apple is in this documentary.


I'd also like to leave you all with one thought… Mitch Hedberg died so that Dane Cook may live.

Dax Shepard was co-star/antagonist in the Dane Cook vehicle "Employee of the Month". Which may have the distinction of being one of the best comedies about Costco.

I actually didn't totally hate Daredevil and was a fan of Alias, so when I finally got around to renting Elektra I actually had some expectations. Big mistake. That movie wasn't so much bad as boring… Even if it was terrible it would be interesting for being terrible. But it wasn't even bad enough to be

They do change the Hudsons into old people, but they also change James Hudson into Travis Hudson. Maybe because they figured people would get confused if a movie had 2 people named James in it?

Talk about intense, the film has someone named Andrea's Lust.

How do I get through to these KEEEEEEDS?!

Rebels are scum! And they tear their dresses.

I'm curious… Does Kelly keep her accent in this film (unlike NCFOM)? She has a charming voice in real life.

The skeleton gave you a bone?

Phel, you're saying I shouldn't buy you that Bonsai Kitten for your birthday?

Shake the Crime Stick!