
Do they still show Ninja Warrior? Ninja Warrior kicked ass. I haven't been able to get G4 for awhile now (cable in my new area is freaking expensive).

I'm a fairly new dad. It's freaking awesome. My daughter already loves Family Guy (though not nearly as much as Mickey Mouse) and can recognize what a Hobbit is, at 2 years old. Raising a little nerd is fun.

My little buttercup… I love you…

What sucks most about Mouse Trap is that I have the commercial's theme song seared into my brain. Just from memory:

I have a 2-year-old and her favorite movie is Finding Nemo.

MBS, you so cray-zee…

I choked up in 300 when they went in for their final fight against Xerxes.

Yes, actually they were just overlaying historical maps but since those maps showed Burakumin areas it inadvertently created controversy. In Japan it's now illegal to distribute that kind of information since employers have used it to screen employees (there's an infamous banned book showing I think over 300 of those

So you'll totally get my next movie - Abortion Zombies II: Revenge of the Fetus Demons.

Welease Wogew!

The disdain is understandable
Not that I'm saying that it's wrong to shun someone for doing a perfectly legal job that is beneficial to grieving families. But historically the handling of dead people was handled by Burakumin, equivalent to "untouchables" in the Japanese caste society. A common term for these people

This movie came out in March, is it just now getting wide release? Why the review now?

I used to confuse him with Lance Henrickson.

How much you wanna bet…
That 90% of the revenue from this film will come from confused families who think they bought tickets for "Up"?

"When you someone eat it" happened when someone was trying to talk about watching a person go face-first into a bookshelf.

I lost some of my love for mashed potatoes thanks to that god-awful film.

I think the guy on the far right is trying to show his street cred by flashing the Vulcan hand-sign, but he's doing it backward.

I used to think he was funny, back in Superbad and Knocked Up.

"Biel does some of her best work … deeply. Biel … bounces limply to the hardwood. Her womanhood ignites … frostily … because goodness knows, she isn't getting even that much."

The original movie more-or-less stuck to the premise of "robots in disguise" that the cartoon often abandoned (come on, you turn into a robot dinosaur?), so Insectacons I'd expect to be about 2 inches in size. Which would be played only for humor I'm sure. I could see them being "bugs" to gather information.