
More like, One Missed Chance At A Decent Firstie!

BBT isn't the real thing, unlike Joaquin Phoenix, Kevin Bacon, or Brian Austin Green.

"It's funny how people have heard of them all over the internet, but they never sell enough of their games to quite make it to 'big'."

…Oh, and Sean Connery.

Not until the Aquaman movie starring Rob Schneider.

I bet he'd have a blast hanging out with Vince Vaughn.

Well isn't this a fine song and dance?!
What're you getting so hot about?!
Keep your shirt on!
Where do you get off making remarks like that?!
Supposin' I say you're a lunkhead?!
Well I ain't much for supposin'!
Supposin' you were?!
Well, maybe I'm through supposin' and I'm fixed to start figurin'?!
Aw, horseradish!

Bette Davis had that Uma Thurman thing going on. Both of them were Hollywood starlets/sex symbols even though they look somewhat like ET. Eyes about 4 inches apart, mouths that seem uncomfortable smiling, small beak-like noses reminiscent of a parakeet…

"Rising Sun is nativist claptrap, and the cold hard reality of Japan's impending economic implosion should give everyone who thinks Michael Crichton was good at forecasting technology's future pause. "

"Q: What's the difference between jam and marmalade?

Dick Butkus always cracked me up.

I dunno if I can really get into a movie with Darth Vader talking about polar bear cubs.

I took it to mean that the "subject" of a scene is zoomed-in so that you see little of what's around it. You're right that the literal meaning of the phrase is somewhat redundant, it's like saying that someone is such a pig that they swallow nearly everything that they eat.

You gotta time your punch when he does his bull charge, if you can do that you've got him beat.

Yes, yes Bad Dude, we all remember. A winner was you, indeed.

I guarantee that nobody is still reading this.

Per Wikipedia:

"My opinion may be skewed by the fact that I figured out early on that the ladies want to get laid just as bad as the dudes and spending money on them and time in public is a huge waste."

No, it's Daniel Day Lewis as Kraven the Hunter in Spider-Man 4.

I was talking about the title of this movie with my wife last night (we have scintillating conversations) and I suggested it should have been called "Fastest and Most Furious". I was only half-kidding.