To each, his or her own. I though it was like watching a pitcher throw a 2-0 one-hit shutout with eight Ks.
To each, his or her own. I though it was like watching a pitcher throw a 2-0 one-hit shutout with eight Ks.
It was a well-played season that got rid of its nonsense early, but there's something a bit boring about everyone behaving rationally unless it's done as masterfully as Boston Rob's domination of his winning season.
Bonehams, Brkiches, and Boesches. It's Blood v Water to the EXTREME.
And the 90s were great for business casual racism.
One Crazy Summer FTW.
So? No one deserves that.
And they way they got their revenge was by exploiting women.
What happened in the movie wasn't a "rape joke"; it was a rape.
Except for Long Duk Dong.
Best final artistic performance in a film until the Barden Bellas of PITCH PERFECT.
There's no defending the movie: in order to take over the Greek Council, the Tri-Lams became the same misogynists they were seeking to oust.
Um, yeah:
There's a path: whoever returns from RI forms an alliance with her and (presumably) Monica.
Takashi took PEDs. They basically cheated in every event but the belching competition and last one — how did the Omega Mus feel about the pie-selling victory?
Best gameplay tends to win as long as the person can own his or her decisions and justify them to the people who were eliminated by them.
And she was still in her late 30s.
I don't know that Alicia's any better or nicer.
It's not that it's after TAR; it's that CBS has football in the fall, which because of scheduling pushes everything late for about half the weekends between September and December.
I absolutely disagree: I think their motives are very understandable and human, and everyone on this show has shades of grey.
If there's going to be a spinoff, it's one where Elsbeth Taccioni, Nancy Crozier, Louis Canning and the Daddy Detective form a firm together.