Adam B.

Woody Goes to Waterfire, though all respect for the Farrelly Bros. aside, the best film ever set in Rhode Island remains REVERSAL OF FORTUNE.

That's our Hitler!

It's the Cook County DA, not the statewide attorney general.

And there was all the "building a civilization" argle-bargle, with Probst doing more voiceover work.

Probst says Fallen Comrades is dead. "It’s done. It meant more in earlier seasons; it just doesn’t have any value. So unless we find a way to make it more compelling, I think we’ve seen the last of it." http://insidetv.ew.com/2014…

It is completely different. It takes until the season's half-over before Probst explains that there's a "jury" and that's how the winner will be determined. There was a reward challenge judged on creativity, not physical skills.

I'm still upset that he betrayed Cliffy.

I'm still upset that he betrayed Cliffy.

Does this suggest another glitch in the scoring matrix, or does a finals performance like Tyson's deserve numbers like these?

You mean, "There was no Cowboy Rick to be seen and not heard anywhere!"

The triple-idol play assures her a Brains slot.

WOOT! I knew I'd need total domination, and two immunity wins plus seven jury votes …. yeah. GO TYSON.

This. If you're playing the game along the same dimensions as Tyson, you have to do it better than him. Which means stabbing him in the front, back, and middle.

Parvati. How many endurance-based immunity challenges did she win in HvV?

The only thing which fleshed out Gervase was the history — did he do anything memorable during this season?

Phillip Phillips?

He stole the shoes, and that was awesome and different.

Savage for brawn?

Throwing things onto things!