Adam B.

We need to talk about Christine Baranski for a minute, because she has been exceptional this year, in registering Diane's losses both of her Illinois Supreme Court dreams as well as what she thought were her mentees. It's a role which could have been a one-note [five letter word starting with 'b'] stereotype but, like

The whole Kalinda arc reminds me of something we learned from LOST: questions are more interesting than answers on tv. The more we learn about her, the less fascinating she becomes. Honestly, the show might be better without her at this point, precisely because actions have consequences and her admitting to sleeping

Well, it required a Big Reset: getting rid of Kalinda's husband and the whole firm bankruptcy crisis as though neither ever happened.

It's about explaining to people that the show evolved way beyond its premise: it's not the Silda Spitzer hour.

Poochie died on his way back to his home planet.

Well, the task was "do you trust a taxi driver, or do you over-direct him?" I remember that the other team in the finals played the "we're New Yorkers!" card and sent their guy over the GW to bypass Manhattan, when it was a Saturday morning and that was the faster route by far.

Nothing in reality tv will ever top the Guido Edit — that smash cut to the two of them in Alaska just after the first team finished in NYC.

I wasn't suggesting there was a role for Underwood in Urinetown; I should've been clearer. I just think people want to be told THEIR WAY OF LIFE IS UNSUSTAINABLE.

The show used to be a lot looser in terms of "if you fall behind, you fall behind," but now they seem to arrange things so that airport skills don't matter nearly as much.

Moreover: three of the plots (Firth, Rickman, Grant) revolve around men pursuing women who work for them.

Rowan Atkinson's character was at one point supposed to be an angel, and once he helped the kid through security would have vanished.

I think Tonys and Grammys is fine, but if you're really bothered, go with Tony Awards and Grammy Awards.

South Pacific, for which Carrie Underwood would've been a better fit anyway. Or Urinetown: the Musical. (Not the place — you don't see that until act two.)

What would work about Avenue Q is that audiences understand it's a stage production — they're not missing the real Austrian hills of TSoM. But it'd have to be HBO.

The goal is "final three", so I don't see much difference between Katie or Ciera drawing the rock last night from Ciera's perspective. Either way, she hasn't improved her situation and has made sure that she's no better than #4.

WHOA. I cannot imagine starting … here. Pick a season (I'd recommend the original season, Pearl Islands, or Palau) and start from its beginning. But good luck, and welcome aboard.

I can see giving Hayden/Katie/Ciera some credit because they forced the "result" they wanted.

"Making it in front of the jury". Oops.

Katie's more likely to have jury sympathy than Monica; you don't want her in front of a jury with her mom. There was a 1/3 chance that this would work (Tyson gone); I don't think there was a better than 1/3 chance of her making the jury otherwise.

Can't remember off the top of my head; usually it's just "burn down the village on the way out."