Adam B.

Isn't 5 going into the last night now standard?  Two challenges, two eliminations before Final Tribal.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , that the AV Club readers competing in this league be divided into two "tribes" for points purposes, unless this is solely an individual game. Would give more people a rooting interest down the stretch.

Do we think any of the family members participating in the challenge whispered "by the way, dad's here too"?

Love the fact that it's clear the producers stressed to him not to refer to his son as "John."

@avclub-a9f5102dde8ca6e2ef0b18e777e918ed:disqus , if Boston Rob had found a way to be in the finals with Jenna L or Rupert (without costing him his future marriage), could he have won?

@avclub-eaaf6236c28c668e40fdf9b17394b7ec:disqus Let me push back against that for a second: has Cochran played that great of a game, or someone who has taken advantage of being in the dominant tribe pre-merge and avoided being a target since?

Goat = can't win + isn't directing the action (which is part of can't win).

I think Danni's too busy; I'd like to see Judd or Rafe again.

For next season, in addition to whatever tinkering with the scoring, can the top two finishers draft "tribes" to accumulate aggregate points across the season?  Would keep more people interested, and relevant, until the end.

Sandra wasn't completely under-the-radar in Pearl Islands — she was pretty prominently and openly warring with Fairplay from the opening moments.

Amazon's Matthew and Thailand's Clay were perhaps bigger goats, even less likely to win.

Well, last time Cochran misplayed his Big Move, and that was a shame.  We also disdained his Coach worship, IIRC.

Make them cook the food and clean the tables.

They weren't trying to win. It was great.

Never win the car!

Under our scoring system, if Cochran wins the whole thing, do I win?  Even if he wins no other challenges, does he automatically get enough points for voting correctly, etc, etc?

It looks like … something, but the weird part is its being in the dead of night, and not relating to a challenge or something physical.  Reminding me of Bruce's constipation.

It is incredibly fucking awesome that this was doing by a 17-year-old girl, the only woman to enter a hackathon (and enter it solo) against eighty dudes.

Just wait until they rob another bank to finance their surfing habits.

Underage Bichon
She told me she was one
Underage Bichon
I schtupped her, now I'm done
Underage Bichon
They say I did a crime
Underage Bichon
Might as well bang you one more time