Adam B.

"I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon- sue me- and since I don''t have a butler, I have to do it myself. So most nights before I go to bed I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again.

Gary knows what we're talking about.

From Bill Carter's piece in yesterday's NYT A&L:

Where were the MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS this week?

Leaving the 1970s as the only decade in which SNL failed to have an Icelandic female singer as the musical guest.

The most disappointing part of the episode was when Hader came out during Update to do his Carville, because it meant we had to wait for Stefon another week.

Nothing is up there with I DECLARE BANKRUPTCY.  It is the Burj Khalifa of The Office proclamations.

FINALLY, the Rock has come back …. to weekly series television.

In terms of "best never to win," having just re-watched Amazon I am less impressed with Rob C's game. Well head of the strategists who came before him, but clearly behind Boston Rob and others in terms of what would follow.

He talks about it in his secret scene — part of his thinking was not wanting the stress of having a known HII and figuring out how to deploy it; can alienate people.

People should watch both Cochran's and Erik's secret scenes this week.  Both are aware of the history.

"@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  , it's no fun to enjoy such a reward by yourself.  Pick one other person to come along with you."

@JudgeReinhold:disqus did we see his lips move when he "said" it last night? Could've just been spliced in.

Secret video where he explains his thinking in handing the Idol over — http://www.cbs.com/shows/su… — he didn't want the stress, and recognizes the potential parallel to his last season.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus And, especially, because of how long the gap is over the summer before the next season.  Should we just prepare people to look at the back of the thread for this season's finale?

Because how dare a tri-Lambda eliminate a Pi girl?

@avclub-fc338fa43180570a8ea616e97bb20dfa:disqus I'm not sure; no one has actually seen more than three minutes of The Battle of Shaker Heights.

I've tried to clue in my older daughter to the way Probst says "you're the [X] person voted out of the Morgan tribe" rather than "… out of this game."  She doesn't get it yet. Oh, man, these girls will be blindsided.

I'm up to Pearl Islands in my re-watch with my daughters.  Sandra has the first interview of anyone; in ep 3, after a fight, Fairplay insists there's no way Sandra makes final four, and he'd bet $1M she will not be the sole survivor. Heh.