Adam B.

Maybe I'm missing something, but if Malcolm doesn't announce he has two Idols (but only one), do they still split the vote?  And if they do split it but it's 4 Eddie, 3 Malcolm, then … oh, ok.  It only works if you can convince them not to split.

You want to draw them into overloading on the Eddie side, since he's not the one with the Idol.  No tie as long as they split 4-3 for Eddie.

Malcolm gets points.

Great moment, but not a great move. They're still down 6-3, and unless they can pick off two from the main alliance they haven't changed anything.  Better move would've been for Malcolm to keep his second HII hidden, suck in all the votes to Eddie, then give his (known) HII to Eddie to play. Still could've knocked off

There's a fantastic book abut Glen Ridge called OUR GUYS, by Bernard Lefkowitz. Absolutely gripping.


If not Florrick Agos, can we get Tascioni Agos LLP?

One message this episode brought home: no matter what anyone tells you, you shouldn't try to find your husband while at Princeton.

Similarly, but not exactly on the same point, I was uncomfortable with the name-drop of Aaron Swartz at the start of the episode. Just felt a little glib to include him as part of the MacGuffin this week without explaining more about the tragedy around him.

Malpractice insurance isn't something you'd ever need to buy for yourself until you left a firm, because firms cover all their attorneys under a blanket policy. So he's gone, and as someone who himself left BigLaw to go solo … #teamcary

I had also considered the Stevie Wonder episode, but … RU-DY.

RU-DY! RU-DY! RU-DY! (Huxtable.)

Ken Jennings has tweeted that in terms of the principal actors, Mickey Rooney and Sid Caesar remain in the tontine.

Ken Jennings has tweeted that in terms of the principal actors, Mickey Rooney and Sid Caesar remain in the tontine.

Also from the Nachman book, a quote from former co-star Robert Morse: "Jonny sees things fifty-nine-dimensionally. Give me a hairbrush and I see a hairbrush. Give Jonny a hairbrush and it will be a dozen different things. He could break you up with a paper clip."

You get the point for convincing someone to play an Idol on your behalf. That it didn't affect the outcome of the vote means you don't get even more points.

@avclub-b62a8937e3279853ee5b66cf76558278:disqus @JudgeReinhold:disqus  I was an RC fan; she had game, but played it with the wrong people. Would like to see her again.  Also that Sarah Silverman lookalike who ended up on Team Russell his last time around.

His best shot is something like "I got him to play his Idol and then give it to me so that if you were voting for him, he'd be gone, and if you weren't at least it's flushed."  Not saying it'll work, but…

The HII was at one point a new thing, as was a three-person final tribal.