Adam B.

Better than Nearly Silent Nick from Outback? (Yeah, I think she is.)

I always assumed the possibility of consensus-awarded bonus points for unanticipated activities.  Take a +1, at least.

Johnny Fairplay and his Grandma.

I don't like a challenge in which the competitors can't talk. So thumbs down on Immunity from me.

He did.

I believe the rules allow and indeed require us to award Malcolm at least one point, if not more, for getting someone to transfer an Idol to him at TC.  If not, our scoring system fails.

Or the "Big Man On Mulberry Street" episode?

Thanks. And with one Brady/music episode covered, that really leaves the Variety Show or esp. that Cosby episode as being more primary concerns.

The Brady Bunch, "Dough Re Mi" (featuring "We Can Make The World A Whole Lot Brighter" and "Time to Change")
The Brady Bunch, "Amateur Nite" ("Sunshine Day," "Keep On Moving")

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus Looking at the chart, there were only three chances the whole season to vote him out — the "everyone's going to Tribal" week, and two Immunities won by Ian in the middle of the post-merge period. I can't imagine anyone else has been close to that low number.

Is Tom Westman in the top five? Because that was a fun season.

@avclub-2c398ecf351b909e03747463a6682767:disqus , maybe, two.  If Rob weren't in love with and planning to marry Amber, does he instead ditch her and beat Jenna in the finals?  (Then again: he only lost by one vote.)

When will Calliou get out of chemo?

The only thing which makes little sense, but is unavoidable: if the documentary's in the can and about to air, why are they still filming now?

Not Another White Dude. That's about all I request.

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus , what about Crazy Vs. Conniving (or whatever we've called it before)?

It's time for Michael to play the Diaz-Twine game: "just tell me who to vote for."

They were Nazis, Dude?

Usually not a problem for me, but the NCAA Tournament made the ads unavoidable.