Adam B.

He is the best SNL host in history to have attended my high school.  Also, the only.

@avclub-b1736fbb395effa8f356023918b12ec5:disqus @avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus Thanks. I've seen all seasons except a few in the Cook->H/V 1 stretch; I just don't remember them all equally.  So I think after Outback, it'll be Amazon, Pearl Islands, All Stars I, Vanuatu, Palau and Guatemala — I think

Not until mid-May?  The waiting is the hardest part.

@avclub-7fe30f83b8e5444c948077a061740793:disqus , Travolta can act. Watch his Gov. Jack Stanton in Primary Colors.

@FuriousGiorge:disqus , my daughters have no idea why I've been called Amber "Ambuh" as we're finishing up Outback, but I only really remember two things from Marquesas: how "chop the coconuts" flipped the game, and PROD.  Is the season worth the time otherwise?  When we get up to All-Stars, won't they learn all they

Two lingering questions:

It is the reason I am probably skipping Marquesas as I show my daughters past seasons.  I think I may skip from Outback straight to Pearl Islands, unless someone can convince me that Amazon is worth it. (Which it may be.)

Which vote do we count for the fantasy league? Also, are there subjective bonus points available for Michael's only existing in this episode to provide reaction shots?


Yes, it is. "Hey, where's Dirty Old Bitch?"

Ones I'd add for consideration: Adolf Hankler (a Jon Stewart/Hank episode), and The Performance Artist (Larry v. Leno over Tim Miller).

How the hell do you cast Sheryl Lee Ralph in your show and not let her sing? Just one more piece of evidence as to how lousy this show is.

The three which might make best fodder, though I'm not looking to see what's streamable:

I'd like to see another Reality Classic season done — you already did Survivor's debut season. How about Survivor Pearl Islands or All Stars I, or Amazing Race 3, or Project Runway I, or Joe Millionaire, or ANTM 2 ….

AND New Republic critic Leon Wieseltier, who gets the "Asa, they got the SL" line.

Probst, in this week's EW interview: "Shamar was put on the show for exactly the opposite reason — he is an American hero.  He fought for our country, he protested down on Wall Street.  We had absolutely no idea he was going to react in such a manner.  I honestly thought he would be one of the audience favorites out

Try calling him Flex Kavana and see what happens.

It's also certainly what he did in All-Stars I — everyone thought s/he was the third wheel with him and Ambuh.

I think the Clue + Serious Digging approach is probably the best. The "find the hole in a tree" approach is bad tv.