Adam B.

The rules may not affect my decision, but we still should settle on the rules first.  For example, are there points for being on the correct side of a Tribal Council vote?

It's not a realistic capital contribution.  Even $100K is on the high end.

Additional notes:

It was great, one last time, seeing Canning doing the "let me explain my illness to the judge/jury" speech.

@avclub-7445cdf838e562501729c6e31b06aa7b:disqus , it's a very tricky question as to what Eli's role was at LG. He's not a lawyer, and he was alternately described as running his own business from the place, while also being involved in LG partner meetings.

She's a good lawyer, but she's in a fortunate place. Hell, she only got hired because she went to law school with Will, and because her husband was State's Attorney.

Between that and the racism of the Starbucks ad last week … what's up with that?

Sure.  Do we want to get more detailed on points — any reference to not-friend-making, etc?

Sure.  Do we want to get more detailed on points — any reference to not-friend-making, etc?

But the rest of the season is nothing special.


I can: The Larry Sanders Show.

When do we get MBV's cover of "Bear Up Bison"?

Cimino seems to have been a bit more … nuts.  I just wish we could have seen his FOOTLOOSE.

PRIMARY COLORS is, as you said, a really smart and thoughtful script worthy of attention.  As for BIRDCAGE, it was a decent farce at the time, and Hank Azaria and Gene Hackman are fun in it, but it already feels so, so dated given how much progress has been made culturally on LGBT equality.

It's okay for a male director's budget to go crazy. But when a woman does it…

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Theoretically in, but I've seen alleged spoilers out there, so I don't know that it makes sense.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Theoretically in, but I've seen alleged spoilers out there, so I don't know that it makes sense.

@avclub-b49ebc5e771d216bfd346a5d434e6975:disqus  If you really want to freak people out, show 'em Judy Garland in blackface. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Not to mention belvedering and lemon parties.