Adam B.

Back in the mid-90s, when Adsit, Fey, Dratch, and Adam McKay were all in the Second City mainstage cast (and I was in law school and went multiple times/year), it was everyone *other than Fey* who I found memorable.  Especially Adsit.  That Fey became the biggest star of all still surprises me.

Except that within the Studio 60 universe, they believe the show is historically important and funny.  Because kids love a good Gilbert & Sullivan number.

They could make a hell of a movie about George Jessel.

Instead of His Girl Friday, it's Switching Channels.

Watch Season 2.

You mean, like lying about a dead grandmother to gain sympathy?

Bourdain gets a lifetime pass from me just for once damning a twice-baked potato for "its absolutely Flintstonian execution" yet calling it, in the next breath, "the single most enjoyable mouthful of food I had this evening."

When they did a surprise appearance with The Roots at Phila's 4th of July concert in 2011 … oh, it was pretty damn special. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Also, UNBREAKABLE.  Mr. Glass!

Also, UNBREAKABLE.  Mr. Glass!

Stewart and Colbert are anti-bullshit, and there's a lot more of it on the GOP's side these days.

They turned it from a joke about Starbucks into a joke about black people. Makes no sense.

You didn't see the chess match in KING OF THE NERDS this week.

This. The sketch was racist. Period.

It's either Hartman or Eddie Murphy.

For a cold-ass crew of gangstaz, y'all carried it like Republicans and shit.

Back in 2009, the Sun did a profile centered on Chew's work with young actors.  He taught the four kids from season four, Snoop, Sherrod … http://articles.baltimoresu…

Simon's praise mattered because it wasn't granted promiscuously.

I could not disagree more with the statement that "Don’t get me wrong - it’s not like Idol has ever truly depended on its judges."