Adam B.

Congratulations. That's about the best reason there is.

"Clap Your Hands, Everybody," by Adams College's Lambda Lambda Lambda and Omega Mu, in REVENGE OF THE NERDS.

A neat quirk about Episode 210 is that it's the last episode before the WGA strike, and (IIRC) the show's on-screen writers do not appear in the episode.

The sequel to Jingle All The Way is actually titled JINGLE EVEN FARTHER

The sequel to Jingle All The Way is actually titled JINGLE EVEN FARTHER

Hmm.  Or Cuckoo's Nest.

He was awesome in THE DEPARTED.


We don't WANT a good principal! We want MR CLARK!

Here's the thing about POINT BREAK: as ludicrous as the plot may be, my god does she take her time to show how fucking gorgeous skydiving and surfing are.

No, it was Dudley who was almost molested by Gordon Jump, not bed-wetting Sam.

Well, it can't all be season two.

Yes, and then the very structured way in which they all left the stage. That, the Kristin Wiig "She's A Rainbow," and the "Summer Lovin'" for Jimmy Fallon are the three great cast farewells I can remember.

He's no longer playing a character in Stage 4.

"I couldn't help but wonder … should I watch this show?"

Yippee Kay Yay, Monkey Fighters!

In his next movie, he's playing Pres. Chester A. Arthur … while he's receiving hand jobs.

Matthew Broderick.