Adam B.

Five Clones of Karl Malden?

No bankruptcy, no [Let Us Never Speak Of Him Again], but, hey, Maura Tierney's back!

You're closer to the mark than your glibness suggests: having someone try to kill the President in order to impress you, when you're 18, probably fucks up your relationship to your celebrity status in a big way.

@avclub-c45fc6aaca161730688682b20a2fa329:disqus , I agree — the show's strong enough to keep Alicia out of This Week's Case altogether some weeks, while letting Cary handle it.

He went to that church when it was politically necessary for him, not before and not after.  Peter promote the people he's comfortable with, and he's more comfortable around white people. That's bias.

Spinoff show: Elspeth, Nancy Crozier, Lewis Canning, the Daddy Detective. Make it happen.

The show has a structural problem insofar as Alicia is almost always in the courtroom in the main case, and if Cary isn't her co-chair … he needs to be somewhere else in the plot. This week, why not have Cary, instead of Will, as the lead on the doping arbitration?

No, she doesn't "get credit" in terms of having helped in the culture wars, but I do think it's valid for her to say, "You don't know what it's like to have been me, and to be under the microscope. Not coming out is one of the only choices that I could make about my life."

That Jodie's gay, duh. That she values her privacy, we know, and that was eloquent as hell.  That  her mom is suffering from dementia saddens me, but even sadder is that Foster wants to retire and stop feeling "so very lonely."  That just sucks.

Two Batmen — Bale and Clooney.  Also Basher Tarr, who's a superhero in my book. Dude stole a pinch.

The correct answer is Nikki Flores.

Agreed.  She was unafraid to be unattractive and weird.


I cannot be the only fan of Woody Allen's EVERYONE SAYS I LOVE YOU here.  Goldie and Woody by the banks of the Seine, singing "I'm Through With Love"?  Ed Norton in the jewelry store?  "Making Whoopie" in the maternity ward?

There are lots of great songs on The Lion King soundtrack, but only one of them comes complete with imagery co-opted from Leni Riefenstahl.

Yes, in 2013 you can yell "get a job, Cohen!", but back in the day it felt right.

Even though O'Connor had to spend days in the hospital thereafter recovering.

Hopefully halfway to EGOT for this.

Oh, gosh, the Goldie "I'm Through With Love" at the end is magical, and I've got a thing for the Ed Norton "My Baby Just Cares For Me" at the jewelry store.

The AV Club must have a tween/teenage girl deficit if it's taken this long to get to "Defying Gravity."