Adam B.

Except they make up a greater percentage of AI finalists.

Not quite.

The median age of Idol viewers, back in the day, was 32.  It's now over 50.

Yes, but understand that almost all the pre-1970 shows are lost.  Taped over by the network.  Only 1973-on is completely archived.

One day, he's got intellectual disabilities; the next, he's taking calculus.  Send him to China.

I see your Va Va Voom and raise it to [wolf whistle].

"The physical act of love."

Now curated annually by ?uestlove; this year the Roots will be backing Daryl Hall, Queen Latifah, Common, and Joe Jonas.

America's rappingest mayor.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , how about an all runner-up (or second runner-up) season, with the proviso that one can't have competed in a previous all-star season?  Kelly, Keith, Scoutmaster Lil, Crazy Matthew, Twila, Philip …

Although we never saw anyone else looking for it.

But they will also bring back the awkward rites of passage (including the chanting rent-a-natives) before the final immunity? Click here, go to about 7:00 in to see Probst waking them up, then laying on the mystic island mumbo jumbo fast: 

They shouldn't touch this idea unless Ethan is healthy enough to do so.  Otherwise, it's disrespectful. (Especially for him to compete without Jenna.)

I would have loved Season 25 to be an exact repeat of the first season in terms of challenges, structure, food provided, everything.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , how is that not Heroes v Villains II?  Not that I'd be opposed.  But I guess you could just as easily frame it as Survivor Schoolyard: Jocks vs. Nerds, and bring back Greg Buis, Judge Paschal, Rafe, and Dolphin Boy Ian for the nerds.

He was the alpha dog in his tribe as well, but there wasn't much strategy going on then.  Being "helpful at camp" or "a nice person" mattered more than having an initial core alliance and sticking to it.

Fine, I'll say it: Thank you, Survivor, for bringing back the Parade of the Fallen. Always a hoot. And, yes, Leif-in-a-Box was included.

Not better than what Sandra D-T pulled out the second time, not better than what Jenna did in Amazon IMHO.  Lower degree of difficulty here in terms of other strategists in the mix.

Can we get Janu back?

Yep. We may overrate the players who are most fun as narrators of their own success.