Adam B.

If they bring back the Parade of the Fallen montage, chug.

@avclub-b6094f195b76c1969611728baf60881f:disqus , "convincing the jurors to vote for you" is an equal part of the show to "putting them on the jury."  That's how the game is structured. It's the whole point: how can you both be ruthless and admired?

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , or Kim and Chelsea were both confident that Tarzan was a dead man.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , how about something like this: "once you have the HII, it must be played within [X] tribal councils" or "if you have the HII, you must relinquish it upon winning individual immunity."

Why flush it out if you believe you're one of the people Kim's taking to the final three?

Each season of Survivor creates its own narrative universe; it's up to this jury to decide what attributes to value.

Kim has a hidden Immunity Idol; I assume enough people know about it, and that explains her invulnerability.  Just like Boston Rob in RI.

He even has stuff from the basement.

From a 2011 interview: "It's hardly surprising that people grew to hate me. I'm sorry that it was all so successful. I honestly didn't mean it to happen like that," he says.

In honor of Ms. Hill, this article was supposed to be published yesterday but didn't show up until now.  Still love the fact that at a December 2010 NYT concert for which she was four hours late, her keyboard player posted a sign saying "I Was On Time" sign at his station  http://www.flickr.com/photo…

Jimi Izrael, 2005:

Given the great gospel traditions of Whiteyville, Iowa, that should come as no surprise.

Decisions used to have more consequences — if you missed that last ferry of the night, you could wind up insurmountably behind.  Multiple final legs have been determined by who got on which plane and — in one of my favorites — which team decided not to check its baggage so it could change flights while the others were

It used to be that there was nothing more heart-pounding on tv than the finale of an Amazing Race season, whether the race to the finish in San Francisco or the plane which magically returned for Uchenna and Joyce in Jamaica or Flo and Zach being Flo and Zach.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus I agree with @avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus . You can't watch All Stars until you've seen all the preceding seasons (except Thailand, which you can ignore).  You can even skip Pearl Islands, since only one competitor from that season goes to All Stars 1.

Your point about Skyler > Scotty is well taken.  Her interpretation of "Fortunate Son" completely missed the point, but that has never been a problem on Idol before.

Love, love that movie, and as a Philly native it hits me in a special place.

Betty White.

Oldest SNL host in two years (Betty White); 6th oldest host (and 3rd oldest musical guest) in show history.  Yes, Mick Jagger is closer in age to Betty White than to any current cast member.