Adam B.

The peeing on the hand was in season 4 — Kathy V was the peer; I forget who was the target.

In the beginning, @Loki100:disqus , Rupert was a fascinating type — we hadn't seen anything quite like him before. It's just that his self-regard got the better of him, and he was a kid swimming in the big boy's pool in All Stars I.

Tarzan has a more favorable jury, however. Potentially.

We're talking about the same Courtney Love who was such a careful steward of her husband's likeness that she licensed Activision's Guitar Hero to have his avatar able to perform Flavor Flav and Bon Jovi songs.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus , SPOILERS, I do love Rupert's work in that first episode. "Pirates steal!"  He seems so likable …. it's not til weeks later when you get sick of him.

Yep; could be like Redemption Island, where they didn't bother telling us that everyone knew Rob had the HII.

Honestly, I think I'd rather have a dramatic final immunity challenge like Tom/Ian or Lil/Fairplay than a "dramatic" final tribal council, because at this point I feel like we've seen it all on the latter.

He's not dying for another 5-10 years; she can wait another week until her season's over.

Congrats on finishing one of my favorite seasons.  Just how satisfying was that turnabout late in the game?

Which all goes to show that no late-game reward is worth the tsuris of having to figure out who comes along for the trip.

Wasn't Johnny Fairplay supposed to have his grandmother join him?

She was a fishmonger!

A little love for Tom Westman, perhaps?  A little?  Swept the tribal immunities, and was never at risk until he met Ian at the buoys, whom he beat both physically and psychologically?

I still have no idea how the men on the jury are going to base their votes. None.

I wonder how the NHL 94 scene holds up for folks too young to have obsessively played the game in college like me.

And Velocity Girl's "My Forgotten Favorite," my favorite under-heard let's-follow-the-structure-of-a-Pixies-song of the grunge era.

It's a real sign of confidence that the show ignored the question of Alicia's love life for the second half of the season. Until now.

Count the number of comments here compared to Mad Men, GoT, Community …

Not as great a season overall as seasons 1-2, but still a very worthy tv show. I regret that they abandoned the "technology of the week" angle to each case, and I still want to know what happened to the computer network problems that led to Zach being brought into the office, and I want to know what happened to the

Trivia Answer: in season one, Team Guido won a fast forward in Thailand but decided to take a slow bus to the pit stop (500 mi away) rather than hire a driver to take them there; they would have been eliminated but for the team they beat at the FF suffering a 24h penalty for failing to complete a Detour.