Adam B.

Other dumb tribes in Survivor history: 
Ulong tribe, Survivor Guatemala: lost every tribal immunity.
Men's tribe, Survivor Vanuatu: kicked out their strongest players first.

Naah, because that, too, would have been seen as too much of a power play.

My favorite badass Survivor moment, other than Skupin with the pig, was Andrew Savage in an immunity challenge carrying a ridiculous amount of weight on his back.  I think it was the first post-merge one.

But she still needed others to chop her out of the game, and they were all afraid of getting on her bad side.

I know, I know, it's serious.

Poooooooor Mrs. Thomas.

The only question is who's the peanut planter: Ivy, Karen, Ellis, or fucking Leo.

Does this mean they'll contrive things so that Peter ends up not running after all, in which case, what does Eli do next season?

Yeah. If they were together the whole time, Cuesta, too, couldn't have planted anything.

But it's the safe sexuality of a Kris Allen. It's not Casey James.

It doesn't matter what songs other folks choose; Phil^2 will become the fifth straight Non-Sexually-Threatening White Boy With A Guitar to win the competition.  He's the only contestant never to appear in the bottom three, and the only battle is whether it's Skylar or Jessica who he bests in the finals.

Bally's is the Branson of Vegas.

I disagree; Rob's Redemption season was emotionally satisfying, even if not strategically complex.  But this season has a chance.

hoping for another Survivor season recap, maybe All Stars 1?

I agree, but since Christina didn't follow through by turning against them, it's no harm, ultimately. But someone had to take that one for the team, and Kim should've taken that responsibility if no one else would.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus , I can't think of one— maybe Fabio, kindasorta?  Sandra (in HvV) was more like a barnacle that Russell/Parvati couldn't scrape off the boat.

Except, @JudgeReinhold:disqus , there's always *someone* on the outside who, with immunity, has the ability to peel off the bottom parts of your alliance this late in the game.

Leif was the one who was responsible for prompting Colton's batshit crazy giving up of tribal immunity, which worked out well for NONE of the guys in the end.

So, wait: are you saying Tarzan couldn't keep the money to get the shocks on his Jeep fixed?

Disagreed for this reason: if you are in the dominant part of the dominant alliance, you need to prevent the outsider from getting The Clue. There's nothing more important.  Now, if you can get one of the more insecure members of the alliance to sacrifice personal benefit to do so, that's better, but someone's got to