Adam B.

By the way, you know what was awesome about this episode?

At final five, it'd be three guys (Troyzan/Tarzan/Leif), two women; they would not in fact have the numbers.

Rule #1 of Survivor Auction: don't let someone outside your alliance get The Clue.  (Remember Danni Boatwright?)  If I were Kim, I'd have cut Christina at Tribal just on general principle.

If Leo is differently abled, what's he doing in a calculus class?

Actually, Julia's even less likable.

Because campaign managers don't get paid like lawyers are paid; Eli wouldn't be lucractive for the firm if that were his primary revenue stream. Moreover, that's a fulltime job by itself.

@avclub-3eaaa7595f2420e94a301261b78c0d6c:disqus , I do think that's his only crisis communications matter of the season that we know of, though they've suggested his practice has been lucrative. Other than that, he's consulting for two political candidates, and … ?

There's a broad universe of characters we only see fleetingly — Lemond Bishop, the various bisexual FBI and other agents who all seem to know Kalinda, the alte kochers, Elsbeth …

It has long been muddled, because he participates and votes in partnership meetings and argued that he should be a name partner in Will's absence.

Another thing I noted: that Eli's door says "Eli Gold and Associates" on it, again raising the questions of (a) is he even licensed as an attorney and (b) by what possible right can he be a partner, let alone name partner, at a law firm?

No, the specific plea does matter — an Alford gives the prosecution the ability to say "See, they admit we could have convicted them."

They did not do Les Jeunes de Paris.  Taran had other ways to shine this week.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I loved Ebert's pithy summary: "The evil are rewarded, the blameless are punished, and the rabbi goes blind."

On the one hand, Bullets Over Broadway introduced Chazz Palmentieri to the world.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus , the two halves balance each other perfectly. There's a reason the movie ends with the two characters that it does, and it's a comedy because of the consequences to Landau.

It's still Annie Hall, but C&M belongs in the conversation.  It's what one critic once called "a full-length comedy about the absence of God," and it is ambitious and troubling still.

@avclub-7757c9e5178fdb7d4d39207ff91840c3:disqus , but Young David Archuleta With His Dead, Dead Eyes isn't even an adult.  You have to be a grownup to win the thing.

I'm saying, compared to Adam Lambert, Casey James or Michael Johns.

There's not much to say. It's Idol, which means the two non-sexually threatening white boys are in the finals, and the one who plays guitar wins.  Also, Josh goes out at #4.