Adam B.

Marc Shaiman has never topped the new news theme for BROADCAST NEWS.  (Big finish!)  Or the "La Resistance" medley in SP: BLU.

Is Julia intentionally this unsympathetic, or do the creators of Smash have no idea what they're actually writing?

Before I was born late one night,
My Papa said everything's alright
The doctor laughed,when mama laid down,
With a stomach bouncing all around
Mama gave birth to the hand-jive

Is this episode the first appearance of Flanders' Hunky Chest?  (It's the second for Drederick Tatum.)

They could have played off the whole Obamamania for years — every time he enters a room, massive cheering and applause (even if he's at home). Could have worked with his stiffness, the contrast between his public coolness and the "real" Obama (think about their successful Obama Variety Show skit), etc.

In honor of Passover, Pharoah was completely invisible this week (except when he poked his head into a Hunger Games shot.)

At least they have an angle.  They've had since 2007 to come up with an angle on Obama.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus  it is, a little. Because it's playing off the irrational side of the other players rather than the strategic, using assets not necessarily available to all competitors.

@avclub-84b3f2becbf70a03239d7fae55dcaa40:disqus , add me to the NATM fanbase.  There are many of us delighted to sing "Prom Tonight" at any opportunity, or give an appropriately-timed slow clap.

And that she's doing it through self-interest, not through flirting with the boys.

But even then, there's "what the players at the time think is the long game" vs. "what the producers know, in the editing bay, what actually happened."

Oh, Philip was much more entertaining than this, esp. because he prompted Probst's impromptu Tribal Council Symposium on the Sensitive Subject of Race.

Wait a minute! You didn't learn how World War II ended!

Was it just me, or was that courtroom scene missing … a prosecutor?

Other than Lemond Bishop, who hasn't been back yet this year?  Zach's twisted friend Becca, I guess.

Baby Harris testes.

Gayer than Richard Hatch's victory celebration?

Agreed.  We could have a 7-person jury, or they could have a final two. Who knows?

Philip was smart-but-crazy.