Adam B.

Indeed.  Can anyone guarantee how factions will align for the first post-merge vote?

Will they ever feature a woman in a return season?  Why not bring back Sue Hawk and Kelly Wigglesworth for competing tribes?

Seriously, there is a huge surprise at 1:01 into this movie.

Can we talk about Alicia's awfulness for a second? The whole "how dare you talk about strategy; you're digging a deeper grave!" shtick is silly given that Christina can't do any *worse* than already being next-to-go-home.

Damn, @avclub-977cf54e52109b5b2795406737cf36d4:disqus , where has Jackie been?  Miss having her hatefulness around.

@avclub-b1ef00d12df9bd49c8c9718c39df0771:disqus , there was a throwaway line from Zach about two months ago in which he dismissed the Marissa thing.  (Unfortunately.)

I am pretty sure his character's name was deliberately not mentioned the first time.

But why wouldn't they inasmuch as they trust anyone else?  As long as you're helping them bring in money and not at risk to taking clients away, "trust" isn't the issue.

And Mamie Gummer.  Boom!  I'm sold.

Ah, yes, the episode with Larry David-as-George Steinbrenner-as-Hugo Chavez.  One of the silliest they've done.

Older women, then minority men, and then the last white dude with a guitar wins.

Side question to @avclub-42215a7b2568ec791457d489ed13e3a4:disqus : why did the Omega Mus put up with the "pie" stand at the carnival? Why didn't they stand up for their fellow women?

Poooooooooooor Mrs. Thomas ….

Hossack was NOT in the classic two-parter, "Doobie Or Not Doobie."

Andy Sipowicz and John Carter are probably up there on the list of Characters Most Punished By Their Creators as well.  (Inventory!)

Next week: Michael J. Fox! And the guy who plays former Sen. Fred Thompson!

The one thing I was very iffy on — would an attorney ever explicitly say in open court "given my obligations under the code of professional conduct, I'm done"?  Why make such an obvious tell?

He might know about the relationship, but not the pregnancy.

@avclub-c54c561b74163f70a5572998e3955227:disqus , he's not going to face much if any jail time, even if convicted.  Less than a year.  I think it's more about his wanting to protect his Bar license.