Adam B.

Especially from Peter Boyle's perspective.

92,653,233 votes.   131 million in 2008.

Exceptional, especially on the Hillary/Obama rivalry.

The Hillary story is a great one.  So is the Fall of John Edwards, though Sorkin's working on that one himself.  This story, eh.

Because twenty-seven years ago doesn't feel like that long ago for me.

When Lemon said that she thought Lutz couldn't have sex because she was there when he Belvedere'd himself.

But here's the thing: back in the 1980s, when Keith was thrilled to have the 50s and 60s available on the radio, there were no doubt folks in their 30s and 40s bitching about the fact that you could no longer find 1940s big band standards and Sinatra music everpresent on the radio.  This is not a new phenomenon.

Astronaut Mike Dexter.

It is utterly predictable that the first to go home would be someone who the judges had to place into the finals in the first place.  Add to that the fact that Jeremy wasn't pimpslotted, and sucked last night, and this was an easy call. No way the judges would get rid of a woman first.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus  advice v. physical assistance.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Final immunity last season — Sophie yelled at Albert to help her stack the … whatever.  Probst wouldn't let him.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Survivor: Sparta.  One tribe, eighteen dudes who are not allowed to wear a shirt the whole time.

@avclub-4c56ff4ce4aaf9573aa5dff913df997a:disqus , I'm still taking Phil^2 against the whole field.  The not-sexually-threatening white guy who plays guitar and occasionally reinterprets songs has won four straight seasons.

Like Robin Williams, he just decided at one point in his life (in his case, post-tranny arrest) to only make dumb family comedies.

And from the director who used to play the Sweathog on "Head of the Class."

But, @JudgeReinhold:disqus , remember the whole "you can't help someone else win individual immunity" rule that was first announced (AFAIK) during a challenge last season?

As long as they bring back Michael Skupin and Andrew Savage.  Hell, do a whole Alpha Male season to give Probst the biggest erection ever.

"There's an old saying: All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The more I've learned, the less I believe it. Power doesn't always corrupt. What power always does is reveal. When a guy gets into a position where he doesn't have to worry anymore, then you see what he wanted to do all along." —