Adam B.

With the world's greatest speakerphone.

Which makes it weird, because the show otherwise does honor existing laws and factual situations pretty realistically — except that the guy who played fmr Sen. Fred Thompson was not at all credible.

Waiting for the show to acknowledge the issue is like hoping LOST would explain the scientific properties which give The Island its seemingly magical powers.  It just is.

I see your Dat Phan and raise to Harlemm Lee.

Lobbyist/PR and political campaign manager, but so far as we know not a lawyer. (Remember the meeting with the Wisconsin folks regarding attorney-client privilege.)

Peter's scene with the private school principal a few weeks ago was Peter at his best.

What's great about the show is how quickly it moved past its initial premise (what happens to The Good Wife when her husband publicly betrays her) into a great legal drama with one of the deepest, best supporting casts on tv.

No new episode against the Super Bowl, and CBS has the Grammy Awards the following week.

Presumably, it's on the existence of the basketball games and the connections with the bookie.  (Also, perhaps, Lemond Bishop?  I was kinda surprised we didn't see a Blake return before the grand jury.)

All this episode was missing was Zack finally hooking up with Eli's daughter, and (in my opinion) maybe one of the funnier judges.

Not to mention their taking on an equity partner (Eli Gold) who is a non-lawyer not-practicing-law, which is completely forbidden by the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct.  But that may be my personal bugaboo.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus , they already had a guaranteed female villain in Jerri Manthey; there was no need for a second.

@avclub-10705c89a58f3598cd41ca616eafe575:disqus , that's the most important thing to realize about this season: before this jury actually voted, no one was sure what attributes they would value: survival skills? strategery? "deserving" the money for their personal lives? Etc.  It was Richard Hatch's winning on the "I

No it can't!

No, Rudy's too likable to bring to the endgame; that's why Richard knew he had to throw the final challenge.  It was his only shot at facing Kelly and then winning.

According to Wiki, season one ramped up from 15M viewers to 28M, with 51M for the finale.  Season two averaged 30M viewers per week, and was the most-watched overall.  They've gradually sloped down to 12M/week now. 

Easy. There are few Survivors who deserve a fair second chance more than Stacey Stillman.

Re the "bar" reward, according to the DVD commentary,  it's the production crew's cafeteria, quickly re-done, and they took Kelly on a circuitous route to get there so she didn't realize how close she was.

@avclub-9895b228de54f61cf02c48f77929a3d8:disqus , and at the same time that in real life (per the ODB's FBI file, just released) the Wu-Tang Clan was being investigated by the Feds for possible criminal RICO charges.