Adam B.


And then amended for the demolition of the Philadelphia Spectrum.

That would've been Guatemala, IIRC (and since I can't look it up on Wikipedia.)   And Africa was worst, as far as I can recall, because there was no fishing, no proteins to hunt and gather.

Also, based on the TWoP recap, this episode may be the first time we see the contestants conscious of the last stage of the game — the jury. At one point, Sue says:  "Kelly's trying to staying [sic] in the alliance at this time but she's trying to make herself look good to the other team in case it comes down to the

What season was it when they finally gave up on deprivation and made food gathering more entertainment than necessity?  I feel like the Africa season was the lowest ebb, but when did the provision of basics become routine?  Yes, there's weight loss still - but no wasting away like this.

Her clip reel has to involve the facade falling.

A slight, but fun episode.  Carrie Preston is quickly approaching Mamie Gummer levels of awesomeness among the guest members of the Bar.

Given that he did it on the show itself, it wasn't really a fuck you, but more of a meta acknowledgment.

Not traveling to the East Coast?  What slack motherfuckers.

So it's Drumline without the drumming?

But that was from a friend visit, if we're thinking about the same tragic news.

What's chilling (if anything) is that he just doesn't bother accepting what's being pushed forth as the meta-narrative of the show — that this is about strangers building a civilization and learning to survive in the elements; to him, it's only a game show and he's there to win it.

Another Survivor first — first time that a contestant has been brought news from the mainland outside of the reward/visit process.  IIRC, during All-Stars I they provided Jenna Morasca news regarding her mother's health; when else have they done this?

The one thing I remember about this episode — and the video confirms its awesomeness — is the little dance Richard does after winning immunity. Go to about 4:30 here: 

Assuming he is a lawyer, can he be an equity partner even if his practice at LG does not involved the practice of law but solely pertains to lobbying and crisis management?

Agreed with @avclub-489acfbfa4d2424403acb81699170ac2:disqus ; I feel like the only unapologetically evil attorney was Smoke Monster DA. Everyone else gets nuance.

Lawyers affiliate with non-lawyers on occasion — many law firms have separate lobbying subsidiaries with which they are affiliated, for instance.  (This is turf I cover in my day job.)  The practices are related, but the financials have to be separate.

It's a bugaboo of mine, but is there any evidence that Eli Gold is a lawyer?  Because if he isn't, then under Illinois law (or pretty much any jurisdiction), he can't be an equity partner in a law firm.  Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 5.4(b): "A
 lawyer shall not form a partnership with a nonlawyer if any of the

I'm still waiting for more Mamie Gummer and Judge Ana Gasteyer.