Adam B.

DT for the Miami Hurricanes, briefly a Calgary Stampeder.  And then the athleticism with scripted outcomes.

Manning's United Way sketch is among the better commercials the show has ever done; Joe Montana had the one great skit where we heard his thoughts, and Michael Jordan breaking during the Stuart Smalley sketch was memorable.  Best ever athlete-host, however, is probably Dwayne Johnson.

Meh.  Probably their last chance to take on the full GOP field, and they only handled Santorum and (better) Bachmann. Meyers' update was pretty good, and the AVN Necrology was one good joke repeated well, but other than that a forgettable hour and a half.

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus , did he change his game, or just recognize he could get her voted out without endangering his alliance?

Except, @avclub-c88e480b73f71a78df8a9839f870a0f2:disqus , Hatch's victory (by one vote) locked Survivor into being playable only one way. We've never had a jury decide someone should win based on skills at surviving in the outdoors and contributing to camp life, rather than strategery.

Everyone other than Richard, Kelly, and Rudy was there to make friends and experience nature.

Immunity challenge in this episode, FWIW, was the first of a zillion iterations of the "stand on a grid, move to another square, turn over the square, keep moving until there's no more room to move" challenge.

"She argues that he likes to go naked just for the 'shock value,' to intimidate his fellow competitors, and I tend to agree. Richard’s not a hippie—he’s a creep."
As proven by his behavior towards Sue in All-Stars.  Ugh.


Yeah, I thought about that and figured someone would correctly call me out.  Kelly brought Richard into the final two because she knew Rudy was more likable; the question is whether she could have won with an "I played the game more actively, and better" approach.

OMG, yes.  I'd let them bring back Rupert for that.  And Lill.

@avclub-aa22fb36340151934b048dea777dec7f:disqus , take a look for Joshua Green's contemporaneous reporting on the Hillary campaign in The Atlantic.  It's the best I've seen.

Well, a "fair" account isn't necessarily going to be positive about everyone. No one, as far as I know, ever disputed the account of her falling apart during debate prep.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus , there's also the whole "believing he could have gotten a black teenager pregnant" and the whole Larry Hagman angle.  Oh, and leading Libby to kill herself.

RECOUNT, which was done by the same writer and director, was really well-balanced.  (That said, merely reporting the truth about Palin's readiness for the vice presidency might be seen as unsympathetic.)

Primary Colors, the film, came out in 1998.  (And it's fantastic.)

FWIW, I believe Aaron Sorkin's doing his own take on the John Edwards story.

There are so many great stories that can be told from that book — am surprised they went with The Rise and Fall of Palin over Obama/Clinton or The Tragic Flaws of John Edwards And His Magical Hair.