Adam B.

I'd like to see him as Peter's chief of staff.

The 1994 J Cup final with Great Sasuke against some Canadian wrestler whose existence I'd rather forget, but you can see it online starting here: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Quick Correction
"about the conspiracy between students and their teacher to game a standardized test"

Gore appreciated the fact that the bass solo in You Can Call Me Al is a palindrome.

You know what else he's hoarding?
Annette Bening. Set her free for the rest of us to have a chance!

BIG mistake by David tonight. Sure, feel out one or two people about deviating from the plan, but if no one's clearly on board, drop it. Stop fighting for a lost cause. Don't make yourself out to be the next target for disloyalty.

Raymond, you need to stop relying on Skinemax for your porn.

Alicia, I think, was the one who made the reference. Lawyers often state that grand juries are so pliable that you can get one to indict a ham sandwich.

via the LA Times obit
"She was, I decided, the most astonishingly self-contained, pulchritudinous, remote, removed, inaccessible woman I had ever seen," Richard Burton wrote in a diary passage quoted in Melvyn Bragg's 1988 biography of the Welsh actor. She was, Burton said, "beautiful beyond the dreams of pornography."

Good question: where does LIMITLESS rank on the DeNiroMeter on the "totally mailing it in" to RAGING BULL scale?

"And I was also a big Sandra fan, and I'm glad she won (though realistically, Parvati was probably more deserving)."

Judge, I'd be happy to see someone pull off the Survivor version of Ed Norton in Primal Fear.

(Whoops. The Time. Not "The The".)

two suggestions
1. For the Oscars, move more of the awards prior to broadcast — the sound and short film categories, for starters. Add "best first film" (directors) and "breakthrough performance" (actors) to recognize new talent.

Agreed. I think the awards work best if they explain during the course of the evening just why these film/actors were nominated. Did anyone, at any point in the evening, explain what WINTER'S BONE was about? BLACK SWAN, other than "it involves ballet somehow"?

"If you go back and rewatch season 1, it was so damn leisurely in terms of pace. But there's something very engaging about people being forced into a community …"

Except the mythical $100M bipartisan SuperPAC was Bond's client, and I assume it will leave with him. (Um, does anyone at this firm do campaign finance law? Because I'm available.) Which leaves Fake-Facebook Boy and Eli as major clients.

Indeed, who are you to doubt El Dandy?