Adam B.

Yeah, that was problematic. And all the PED/painkiller-abuse-related deaths, at a much higher rate than the NFL. The WWE may have finally turned a corner on this in terms of testing/suspension/rehab as well as making the performances themselves less physically dangerous, but only time will tell.

The WWE hit such a peak during the Monday Night Wars, post-Montreal and lasting until the demise of WCW, that it had nowhere to go but down.

I figured she had died 20+ years ago.

You can't have a Lemon party without Old Dick.
156 reasonable discussions so far without anyone mentioning the show's shoehorning the verb "to belvedere" into the conversation?

just so I'm clear …
Does he beat up Tina Turner in this one too?

That's what I assume the journal is for — a running log of "why I got booted" from everyone who ends up on RI.

You know who else was a hoss? Andrew Savage, who just fell on the wrong side of a numbers battle in Pearl Islands. Panama's Terry Dietz also ran off five straight immunity wins at one point.

Compared to the rest of his season? Colby. Won 5/6 post-merge individual immunities.

according to his LinkedIn page:

Good move, Rob
Get rid of Matt before he realizes that he's in the bottom part of a group of six that was never going to last.

It was an ad for the passage of the DREAM Act. Which I don't mind politically, but it was a bit obvious.

As she was leaving:

Love My Ox Is Broken, but nothing beats the schadenfreude of the Guido Edit at the end of season one.

Well, it explains why there wasn't even a post-credits cameo.

Well, let's be clear
Tracy Morgan took a few episodes off for kidney transplant surgery (and recovery).

Yeah, they needed some muppet to play the straight man to the other two. I'd have invited Oscar, though.

The last time Rob made a "do this for me and I'll protect you when I can" promise, Lex went home the next week. It's not a deal worth making because he can't be trusted to honor it.

That was brilliant.
I've seen crazy before on this show, but Phillip's a whole new level.

He killed Mozart!
Meh. Bring back Big, the Smoke Monster and Lorelle already. But this show does such a great job with its tertiary characters — now Mr. Mom P.I., and Gary Cole's coming back next week!

Arcade Fire is on the defiantly indie MERGE RECORDS out of Chapel Hill, NC. Mac and Laura must be kvelling.