insect overlord

Thanks Zack. It’s been a good bunch of years. I also really loved your TZ and prisoner reviews (and probably others that I’m forgetting).

I don’t know if it was a deliberate editorial choice or algorithmic magic, but for me this season’s reviews have never appeared on the frontpage. And they’re usually not even on the TV frontpage either.

I don’t know anything about the writing staff (and don’t want to know, really), but it definitely feels like none of them have ever been in the military, or even in an actual organization. Burnham beaking-off to the president at the beginning of the season would have ended anyone’s career in a second.

Yeah, Metrons, Caretakers, surviving members of the Iconian empire (whaaa?), and the Q (who haven’t appeared for 600 years?).

I will say, Picard can often be kindof a dick.

This episode was fine. And I’m sure that this season will be fine. But Disco’s approach to serialization - basically take all of the Geordi scenes from one of TNG’s weird-space-thing episodes, but stretch them out over 10 hours - is so blah.

Hooray for Tarka, because every single character who visits the disco needs to say “It’s like being on an antique!” I’m glad that someone finally mentioned it.

In the end I guess that Tarka got what he needed to, because now he knows that the power source must be super-duper gigantic.

I liked this episode more than most, but the tension between Stamets’ experiment and the away mission was so silly. Just wait an hour or two to make your toy anomaly, man.

But see, joking about rom-communism is exactly what someone who doesn’t think too much about politics would do. Words have no meanings, “both sides”, yadda yadda.

Ted is entirely about not rocking the boat, and wanting to be liked.

As with Ned Flanders, I think it’s a given that Ted voted for Trump at least once, and quite possibly twice.

Jumping 1000 years ahead, they really should have made some big changes:

If trek a millennium into the future is just trek, then what’s the point, right? Same politics. Mostly the same races. Same shuttle accidents. Same phasers which can’t kill space-spiders. It doesn’t have any vision, and also doesn’t seem to be very interested in the world its built.

Just generally, the 930 year jump needs to be mentioned so much more often. I know that the show wants everyone to ignore it, but that hurts the show, because it’s so opposite of how people actually operate.

I laughed so hard when her big speech built to “And let there be a great...Committee!” And then laughed again when apparently she is the entire committee.

One problem that this show has, which most other serialized shows don’t have, is that Discovery only really allows itself one setting: Discovery.

It definitely shouldn’t take as many clicks as it does to find these reviews.

I really feel Zack’s “I recognize that this is not for me, but it is important” stuff up top.

When the Romulan (sorry, Nevarian) spaceninjas showed up, I was thinking that it’s about time for someone to revive the TOS-era Romulan costumes.