insect overlord

Trek is still relatively new to this modern version of serialization, with just 3 seasons of Disco, and 1 of Picard. But the writers seem to think “serialization” basically means “delay that important plot point until episode 8, not 3.” (even Enterprise’s xindi war did a bunch of this).

Sounds like you’re a friend of De Soto’s.

I would be open to some ~three episode arcs like Enterprise tried to do in season 4. The one problem there was that those mini-movies had okay setups, but then they all (or almost all?) had pretty terrible endings.

Having Discovery running at the same time as Doctor Who is not good for me, because they’re both so committed to being big and stupid. If it were one or the other I could maybe get engaged in all this “5 light-years wide end of time itself! Again!” stuff. But with both of them it’s a little tiring.

I thought this episode was fine, but in the back of my mind I know we’re going to spend a dozen episodes slowly, slowly learning a pretty simple answer. In the end it will be Michael’s dad, or vger XXXII, or tinman, or maybe the klingons for some reason? But it will be a whole season spent padding out enough plot to

I wonder if they’re setting her up to leave the show? (I haven’t heard any behind the scenes info, this is pure speculation.)


This show has never been interested in the details of how things work, but here it’s not even interested in its own context.

I see this show as subconsciously laying bare the writers and showrunners personal fears and inadequacies...

I was wondering if the President is officially the commander-in-chief? And also if by the post-burn future the separation that we’re used to between Starfleet and The Federation has faded a bit.

I meant this part:

The problem is that blowing up planets is just trek’s thing now (star warses too). It’s not a particularly interesting choice, anymore.

That one guy got a line this episode. That’s progress.

I’m fairly indifferent to Burnham, and I think the show will be better with her as Captain Burnham, than it would be with another season of her as a bratty subordinate.

Man, this exchange:

Honestly, there are even odds that it’s named “Kobayashi Maru” because they saw Abramstrek, and have never heard of this “Wrath of Khan” thing that people keep talking about.

One character in particular flip-flops from scene to scene between a damsel in distress and a Lady Macbeth-type.

This is Disney/Marvel we’re talking about. They have ALL THE CASH IN THE WORLD.

I understand why Prodigy - which is specifically for kids - would have an obnoxious Poochie—type for its main character. Kids shows go really big.

Dal will likely develop into a more reasonable, less aggressively Poochie-esque figure with time.