Miller, didn't that one Larry the Cable Guy flick have a bunch of US soldiers landing in Mexico and thinking it was Iraq?
Miller, didn't that one Larry the Cable Guy flick have a bunch of US soldiers landing in Mexico and thinking it was Iraq?
Kneejerk reaction to Elitist Trash's post: dude, go read The Rest is Noise NOW. TONS of avant-garde music back in the sixties—and even the fifties—was electronic.
Murmur and Endtroducing were MADE for driving around aimlessly.
How does the Russell character come across? Is she a blatant Mary Sue/authorial self-insertion, or is she a good character in her own right? Or neither?
The geekiest game
Has anyone ever played the old Dune game made by the guys who made Cosmic Encounter? I've heard the game praised to the point where it could raise Lazarus, but it's out of print.
Acquire is one of my favorite games; they just came out with a new version. It's like Monopoly meets Scrabble, but it's better than either.
No Exit
I'd love to be a bellhop in No Exit's Hell, just to see how big it was. And maybe pop in to listen to the arguments.
I remember little of Dinotopia except "Left is right, and right is wrong," from some cheap YA novel.
On this note, the world of Brick.
I would live in Flying Lotus's Los Angeles. It's always nighttime, and if you touch anything your hand slides off. It's all so smooth.
Would really, really, really
really, really, really, really love to see this, even if it sounds only OK.
Plus, now I know how to pluralize "gendarme" without looking like an idiot. That'll teach me to correct people on a language I (clearly) barely even know.
Ah, shit. Sorry, Morgendorffer. I hadn't seen it spelled that way before, so the blame's on me.
Ah, OK. Should probably see this sometime, but it'll probably be one of those movies I intend to see but never actually sit down and watch.
Is Putomayo really any good? I've always heard of it as the label of choice for the dilettante's dilettante (no offense; that's just what I've absorbed from random places). Of course, "world music" offers loads of niches to be snobby about …
No Brazilian music?
O Trem Azul—Milton Nascimento/Lo Borges
Trem Fantasma—Os Mutantes
Ponta de Lanca (Umbabarauma)—Jorge Ben
The Carimbaeo—Nacao Zumbi
O Fole Roncou—Luiz Gonzaga
"Eastern Standard Time" by the Skatalites is still the ska song to beat, I think. But I have stupid opinions.
Chuck Rainey is one of those few bassists who bass magazines love but is still awesome.
"Calhoun Surf" is a goddamn classic.
Well, if Radiohead has a summer song, it's either "House of Cards" or "Electioneering." But then I haven't heard the albums between Kid A and In Rainbows. "The National Anthem" is a good one too.