Spanish Technophobe

The sun ain't yellow, it's chicken.

Just a question
Why does every DVD cover of this movie depict Juliette Binoche playing Shark Attack in the water? Is this supposed to be the most powerful scene in the movie, or what?

Morgendorffer: Pedantry is dickish, and doubly so on a good thread, so I'm really sorry, but it's "gendarmes."

I mentioned bad puns in the thread above, and this one's perfect.

I liked the set design in the Baz Luhrmann R+J, but I guess I liked it in the way you like jokes with really bad puns. A groan and some applause at the cleverness of it.

I guess I meant "I hate to sound like a snob" at the start of the last paragraph.

Five Arbitrary Heroes Find the Widgets to Save the World?
"Five reluctant heroes are tasked with a treasure hunt to gather magical relics needed to release the Tuatha de Danaan. These faeries and gods of Celtic myth are the only force that could stand up to the Fomorii, but their unknown agendas make them

That's how I remember it, but the last time I read those comics, I liked Mad, so I didn't trust my memory.

I just read this. I'm amazed anyone could adapt it poorly, as it's pretty simple, but I guess I was imagining it as a Coen brothers movie.

Ooooh. Googled it. I gotta see Twin Peaks.

Forgive me—what?

Dude, harmonies!
This makes the guitars so much harder to play now that their players have to sing those early-years tutti harmonies. Total game-changer.

I've never actually heard Lynch talk
and I don't think I expected him to sound like that.

*BaracTORs. BaracTORs.

You said Obamadoctors when you could have said Barocters?

"-greux" would be an "-eugh" sound, I think. You would probably need a "-groux" to get a "groo" sound.

I saw Aliens after playing Starcraft for a while. I was so disappointed when all the units' lines turned out to be rips from the movies.

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Call 1-800-EAST WEST!

My favorite part of that commercial is that the mattress is Bob-O-Pedic LITE, as though you really wanted the chintzy, less comfortable version of something sold at Bob's.

I'm not even 21 yet!