Loser User

I was just looking through the reviews of episodes, and I am surprised that I missed this one and hadn't been aware of it until now.

I think this was the first episode since Tiegs for Two where Quaigmire is shown hating Brian, though they don't seem to mention that Quaigmire hates him. When Brian accidentally brings up that he slept with Quaigmire's father, Quaigmire doesn't get mad at Brian for bringing it up.  He just gets upset when Peter makes

I thought Ted had previously said in the episode that introduced "Robots vs Wreslters" that they never missed that event, but here it turns out only Ted went.

I didn't think the main plot was very good, but the subplot was very funny.

I didn't think the main plot was very good, but the subplot was very funny.

Sheldon and Amy could have gone to the party dressed as Batman and Batgirl or Batman and Catwoman.

Sheldon and Amy could have gone to the party dressed as Batman and Batgirl or Batman and Catwoman.

Since the last season finale I was worried that the "8 or higher" thing would become annoying. Then was relieved that it hadn't been brought up again until now, and am happy it was revoked.

Since the last season finale I was worried that the "8 or higher" thing would become annoying. Then was relieved that it hadn't been brought up again until now, and am happy it was revoked.

I was hoping Howard would come back from earth. I feel like his space trip had gotten old by last week.

I was hoping Howard would come back from earth. I feel like his space trip had gotten old by last week.

It seems like Victoria's hardly been on the show since she and Ted got back together (only making a brief appearance in this episode, which could have been shot during production of a different episode), while it seems we've hardly gotten to know Nick at all.

It seems like Victoria's hardly been on the show since she and Ted got back together (only making a brief appearance in this episode, which could have been shot during production of a different episode), while it seems we've hardly gotten to know Nick at all.

Back then, sunday evenings weren't "prime homework time" for me, because my schools didn't give us homework on fridays.

I think the scene where Nona claims she was talking to the grass to make it grow.

I'd never noticed before this episode that Rod and Todd previously didn't attend Springfield Elementary.

I rented a VHS featuring the first three episodes. Haven't seen the show in years.

I rented a VHS featuring the first three episodes. Haven't seen the show in years.

It's ironic that you got to the end of season two and chose to take a break at the time the regular TV season ended for the summer, therefore preventing weekly reviews of many shows. I might not be coming to the site as often for awhile.

It's ironic that you got to the end of season two and chose to take a break at the time the regular TV season ended for the summer, therefore preventing weekly reviews of many shows. I might not be coming to the site as often for awhile.