Loser User

Lips has spoken before. In the Shirley Bassey episode of The Muppet Show (where he sang a line of "Barnyard Boogie") and The Great Muppet Caper (saying "and me" in the end credits).

I really like Mulaney. I really hope it doesn't get canceled.

To think, with 130 episodes a year back in the old days, the show could have entered syndication in 1970.

I was surprised that Sheldon accepted the beer. He seems like the kind who wouldn't want alcohol at all (and I thought that was established).

At first when Ted talked about the mystery to Lilly I expected her to end up being the culprit.

I could identify Barney as a catch=phrase sprouting phenomenon.

Laugh track? I thought this show used a live audience.

I've read that a Griffin is supposed to die this season. I wonder if the ending is telling us that it'll be Meg (as opposed to just being a joke ending). In fact I had wondered if the bully would have killed her and this would be the death episode.

I thought real couples preferred to spend all their time together.

The part with Bernadette saying that she feels Howard cares more about his friends than her makes me think about how in the last few episodes, Bernadette either doesn't appear much or doesn't appear with Howard much (last week she just made a cameo, and this season we've had an episode where she and Amy were out of

Those three sequels mentioned at the beginning are not the only sequels that improve on the original. There's also Back to the Future Part II and Home Alone 2. I also feel like each Spider-Man movie is better than the previous (though I haven't seen The Amazing Spider-Man… and I know everybody else hates Spider-Man 3).

I find it odd that Bernadette wouldn't let Howard bathe with her. They are married and, I assume, have an active sex life. Why would she forbid her husband from being in the bathtub with her?

I feel like every plotline in this episode has a sad ending. I didn't even realize Leonard was using his feelings towards his childhood to manipulate Penny until he pointed it out. Even if he deserved some comeuppance, I think having Penny put Leonard's mother on video phone while in a sexy nightgown (the one thing

When Lilly tried to get Robin a new woman friend, I expected it to end up being the Mother.

I hope that Marshall arrives at the wedding site soon. I also hope the Mother makes another appearance soon. She hasn't been seen in three episodes.

I can see Mr. Burns being ignorant of whether his employees need a college degree, and can see him being aware but hiring non-graduates anyway, but in previous episodes others in town (like Homer's guidance councilor in The Way We Was) acknowledge it as if it was a legit fact.

I can see Mr. Burns being ignorant of whether his employees need a college degree, and can see him being aware but hiring non-graduates anyway, but in previous episodes others in town (like Homer's guidance councilor in The Way We Was) acknowledge it as if it was a legit fact.

The Simpsons wondered who was sending the threatening letters, couldn't they just look at the return address for a clue as to who sent them?

The Simpsons wondered who was sending the threatening letters, couldn't they just look at the return address for a clue as to who sent them?

I was just looking through the reviews of episodes, and I am surprised that I missed this one and hadn't been aware of it until now.