Famous Genitals

Behold! The Power of Prayer in Action!
Seriously, I prayed so hard to the Baby Jesus for this to happen my eyes started to bleed.

But will the tape work on moobs?

Your mama's so fat…
She uses her Magical Fat Tape to secure emergency Suzy Q's under her front-butt.

Is that an acutal Bugatti?
I don't think thats even photoshopped. I think he may actually be posing in front of a cardboard cutout.

That's what you get for trespassing the man's real estate.

I don't speak your crazy moon language!

In fact I have the Sigur Ros cover tattooed on my arm. Under the barbed wire but just above the barcode.

Twin Cinema by The New Pornographers
The Bake Sale by The Cool Kids
Return to the Sea by Islands

Fuck Coldplay
I just wanted to get that out there. Not trying to make a grand statement or anything. Just, you know… fuck Coldplay.

So if you smoke enough weed the cover looks good? Isn't that kinda the point they're trying to make?


I'd imagine that explains the setting being New Orleans and probably during Mardi Gras from the looks of the trailers. Most parades have a king and queen and the Rex ball is a pretty big to-do. I've never heard of a "Mardi Gras Princess" but I'm sure Disney can fake it.

Did we really need a Joan Jett biopic? Was anyone really waiting for it or was that the joke?

I squeeze it like I'm mad at it. I like the pulp. But its all preference, really.

Delicious again, Peter.

Thats four words.

You keep it in a little sandwich baggy or something in the butter tray in your fridge. The butter tray is for limes, not butter. And you have to have a cocktail in the evening every day after work or the limes will go bad.

Ice cold there's really no difference between PBR and High Life. So if your plan is to slam six in quick succession and get sloppy then PBR is great. But who really orders it when they want to enjoy a beer like a normal person?

Preferably Bombay Sapphire. And around the holidays nothing beats Abita Christmas Ale!

You made my dayyyyy-aayyyyy…