
I'm glad that you've got hope, because I have had it with the Joe "character." As everyone else becomes more fleshed out, human, and empathic he just spins from one tired trope to another.

Thanks! Great interview.

That was perfect: just run a magnet over it when done. Digital copies, but no originating digital artifact.

I don't understand the low grade; this was a vintage thriller with superb pacing and editing. I don't think you have to assume that Darlene willed Jacobs home. FSociety were our of their depth, and something had to give. We suspected, but weren't quite sure, just how much they had to fear, which is what made it such a

Count me in as well; I am excited to see where the company (pun intended) goes next!

Yes, anyone could have killed Vanessa at any point; there was 0 drama in that, and it turned the entire cast into the equivalent of pallbearers for a four-season march to the grave.

Four. In the pantheon for me.

Yeah, they could do a triple-sized Polite Fight and still not cover all the angles in an episode.

Mishima was an acclaimed a-g Japanese writer who was very political with a pronounced anti-capitalist agenda. He committed death by seppaku; I've not seen the movie, but it sounds like it might have been an influence on Esmail.

What would have been great would be if we found out they were going at it like rabbits for months, but never let on. Just business as usual.

I thought of Kelvingrove as well, having visited it last fall.

Or maybe he will be the one to revive the mummy? That would give Ferdy more to do this season, and give him an antagonist that isn't perforce a monster.

Or maybe he will be the one to revive the mummy? That would give Ferdy more to do this season.

How would he be able to work all day?

Good Lord! FAURE was the composer of the duet, as if you haven't his Pavanne 1000 times before. He played it with Rebecca. :/

On the contrary, Meryl studied as a coloratura with Estelle Liebling, although she certainly no longer has the top end.

I think Mike will be controlled by the Beast's familiar.

Timothy Omundson is a national treasure.

I've been a fan since John Doe - anyone remember that?

Sarno's Song From the Forest is a classic text, but well over 20 years old - it's fascinating to find him still there!