
Fargo = "farrago": a confused mixture of fact and myth.

I definitely think this was influenced by that classic tome.

Many Asian and Latino folks. You have the wrong target group: overwhelmingly affluent.

Read his book - quite entertaining!

Crap will be out of country next week ….

His Dogberry was outstanding in Much Ado

Thanks for bringing the Pakula angle to the conversation. While much attention has been paid to Taxi Driver and later influences, from the beginning MR reminded me of my favorite 70s thrillers like The Parallax View and Three Days of the Condor (carefully composed, angled shots, protagonists that know a lot but

I have purchased recent Kindleized books with wonderful footnoting. It depends on the publisher, I think.

I read it on Kindle, but in a mobi version which handled the footnotes well (they didn't popup as in recent Kindlezations, but the back button worked everytime). Started with the hardcover but my wrists got sore.

I listen to the Moebius & Roedelius lps at least once a month .. .timeless ambient blisss

Yes another point somewhat more clear in the book.

I made sure to read the book right before the series premiered, and it's true - as good as the casting is, and as ably as they've truncated it, 7 episodes doesn't cut it. Too much like the "madcap" New Who, without the time for proper character exploration and the many minor shivers the book delivers because it made

The problem is that too many of us left … I feel that I abandoned my home in its hour of need.

Minimum wage in 1985 was $3.75; I still have the pay stubs :( Did not matter that I knew the same programs … but I do recall being the only person in the company who knew anything about computers.


I agree. I am starting to resent the repetition of this refrain in every review: "we can't get too invested, because of course Mutiny will fail." This is an illogical assumption; the show may be grounded by various historical markers, but it remains a fictional alternate history.

Music note: I realized during this episode that the main theme music cites Hermann's Vertigo theme - also lots of Baroque citations, e.g. when the coffins appear.

As great as Lily's speech was, it made no sense: who will manufacture future undead overlords if Victor joins their ranks?

Yes, I agree. My partner and I were coding in the '80s, and we are delighted that the producers include so much accurate detail (Gordon grabbed "the" C manual in 1985; soon to be obsolete, etc.). The writing is getting better and better, so I forgive the occasional fudging (how did Gordon's program destroy their