
I am old enough to remember when priests could serve as congressional representatives, and ours was as liberal as they come. John Paul II forced him to resign, which was a sad day.

I was raised as a Catholic Socialist (a very rare animal as you note in the US). My father used to call his fellow worshippers "secret Protestants." I went to a college that taught liberation theology.

I can never get over the fact that he and Feingold come from the same city: my favorite public servant and his evil doppelgänger.

Goodbye! I left the other Gizmodo sites years ago; I am really sorry to lose this oasis in a sea of kitsch ,,,

Do you mean Lawless-less?

I loved how tongue-firmly-in-cheek the whole show was, while still delivering on all the genre fronts. Yes, Joe's music was superior (remember the musical ep?)

Three winners there!

I loved how the recent documentary got into that aspect of fan curation; I find collectors' knowledge of numerous is a genuinely fascinating phenomena that has a lot to teach us about the phenomenology of music listening.

It is a historical label that doesn't make sense; why is Morton Feldman not minimalist? (Because it it beyond labels?)

Your username reminds me of my contribution to this list: The Goon Show. I was gifted all the episodes as a child, but fear I will go to my grave never meeting another living afficionado.

Bat Chain Puller all the way!

Same here; about 2/3rds of the way in I flipped from casual reader to obsessed. Have not attempted a second reading . . .

Are they still performing?

Oh my god, I haven't heard that record since 1981!

The Av Club: the deranged, anarchist, kawaii-horror gestalt of the thing.

British friends are aghast that I even know what that is. (Cultural capital accrues in the most unlikely places.)

Partner is a programmer; HaCF is the only show he still approves of! (Hates Silicon Valley, and left Mr Robot after season 2).

Same here - went through it all myself at the time, and really appreciated the detail of the first season. But love how it evolved, which also feels more like real life than most successful series that last 4 seasons.

There were more women in computer tech during that time than now, so it's true to its time.

Au contraire!