
Recently started The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, my first time reading Murakami. Pretty intriguing so far.

Yes on DaxBell; add in Anna Farris and Chris Pratt and you've got yourself a list.

Same. Former UCB student, many people say or write UCB.

I thought he said 75 boners.

OMG Vinny! I knew he looked familiar.

I felt bad for about 1 minute, since he is a kid. But then I remember that he is aligning himself with a known torturer/murderer, and he himself kidnapped a child. Burn, motherfucker.

I'm 39 and addicted to podcasts. So, old. Although I have started veering away from old-person fare like This American Life and into more hip shows like 2dopequeens. Go me!

Nymeriaaaaaaaa! I think I would cry with happiness if she showed up this season.

That is exactly what I think too. Richard foreshadowed ti this episode: he said something about no one liking it except Bernice.

Down from 14!

I am in love with this article.

Or murdering a village of civilians, as the Captain mentioned. I think there's a reason why you maintain discipline in the army.

But that would mean that Scully has fallen for 19, not 20, right? I was surprised Amy didn't correct him on that.

"I believe" is an amazing song. I was searching the list for it and am amazed it wasn't here.

If Paige really takes after her mother, she will chop off all of her hair, and The Americans will get cancelled.

I actually made this same comment 11 days ago in a Bill Cosby rape Newswire. I think when that day comes we can all just go home.

I would tell you that

Your post just reminded me that we had that record, too.

They must have conceived the 4th child at Ambers wedding, then

Same here. We have own modem, and have been charged by Comcast for their modem rental on numerous occasions.