
I'm with you, I'm a woman and I love everything about this show, except Dev's romantic relationships.

He could just do the voiceover and I'd be in heaven.

But in tonights episode Gavin calls him Donald.

HUGELY pregnant now. It definitely shows in her face in the show, if you know to look for it.

We're probably in for 7 more years of drought, though. It'll be fine.

When he was slicing brie with Gavin, and Richard looked terrified…

Exactly this. There is not one cell in his body or one tiny aspect of his personality that doesn't repulse me to my core.

Nuclear winter?

I just cracked up at work just reading your BLAM.

I think Amys ears hurt too, when they made the noise in the hotel room.

Dunch, second dunch…

What does Phil Collins have to do with it?

HE, CEG and B99 are all among my top 5-10 comedies, so I think you'll love B99. Just binge it all. :)

I never thought I would cry watching an episode of B99 but I did last night. Amazing.

I loved that too, I yelled "Alladin" when I saw the loaf of bread, and the "street rat" clinched it.

Same. I guess we have better things to do here in the Bay Area (she says, turning on some Twin Peaks reruns).

Mine too. I mean, he's an asshole, and both of my grandpas are assholes, but McShane is the only one who uses the word cocksucker frequently.

properly medicated

Thanks for the recommendation. I haven't heard of Lab Girl (even though I am one, haha). I'm glad it inspired you to want to be a scientist. :)

I really love Sanderson's fantasy books, but I haven't read The Reckoners so I can't compare. The original Mistborn trilogy is good and easy to read. His best series is probably Stormlight Archive series, but he's only written 2 so far.