
Fire is one thing I am afraid of. Some others: the Pacific, heights, dog poop.

I want to upvote that 10 times. If I had been drinking Kirk Cameron's coffee, I would have spit it out onto my keyboard.

How can B not be the Let It Be parody, Letter B?

My favorite is when he says "Be Wary. Constable reported ahead"

Which is the best pun? I think it's a Tywin they are all this good.

Nora has always been about the same age as my daughter. My daughter is2.5 and they look about identical, except that my daughter doesn't wear a blazer and a big bow at the breakfast table.


I think there has only been one fictional character ever with my name: Alexis Carrington on Dynasty. And people asked me all of the time if I was named after her, even though I was 10 when that show started.

I actually cried during this episode, it felt so real and so sad. I was also PMSing, so…

He is/was in Trophy Wife also

Lady here. Don't care about Sam at all, I do like Gilly though. Enjoyed the episode but was expecting Stannis. He'll be there next week though, so I am fine with that. LOVED when Jon had Sam release Ghost. As far as I am concerned, half the show could be from the perspective of a direwolf. Needed more direwolf. Poor

We temporarily (felt like an eternity, was maybe 10-15 min) lost our 3-year-old in a Costco. It was the worst day of my life, hands down.

I have two schizophrenic family members, and both are gay. No idea what that might mean, but it certainly makes Ginsberg relatable to me.

My nieces are triplets, they are getting a lot more common. And it is the first time I have seen triplets in a TV show, so it doesn't feel overused (yet).

This Feb has been hot and dry in N. Cal. On Monday my kids were playing shirtless in the water in our backyard. We are basically the opposite of the rest of the country this winter.

There are lots of indoor rec pools in the area.

I live in the greater Berkeley area and met a mom yesterday who would have *created* that volunteer green program. Freaky. And I say that as a gung-ho composter/recycler.

Hey, no bashing scienticians. Some of us have feelings, albeit fewer than a normal person.

it is a manic pixie dream town?

it is a manic pixie dream town?