
Thank you! Totally agree. I read these comments and never comment myself, but I had to add to this. I am a mother myself, and I don't get the Kristina hatred either. In fact, I often find myself relating to her. Yes, sometimes she is shrill, but it is almost always justified because her family is almost always

Eggveal and Trek Dork: same here. My husband and I were just talking one day "we've been together 8 years, maybe we should get married." "OK, when?" No stupid fucking blood diamond ring, that looks exactly like the other retarded blood diamond rings all these chicks are desperate to get from their boyfriends…

I probably have you all beat for weirdness. My big gift this year was a breast pump.

I am currently preggers too, and your palate really does change. In the finale part 1, it seemed to me that Padma would qualify her opinions, asking if other people felt the same. Also, I noticed Padma kept very quiet this episode. Maybe that's the reason, and she wasn't truly a judge in the finale, just there to

I'm with 'waitress is awful". Waitress is awful.

Several years ago I bought my husband a shirt from his site that says "you can't kill the rooster". He wears it all the time.