"Dream On" was 100% a 1990s show. The series ran from 1990 to 1996. I understand the confusion, though. It does have a bit of an '80s feel.
"Dream On" was 100% a 1990s show. The series ran from 1990 to 1996. I understand the confusion, though. It does have a bit of an '80s feel.
That bus guy bit was one of the biggest laughs I've got from this show in a long time. If dictionary entries are accompanied by videos in the future, this scene would fit nicely under 'douchebag'. Such a hilarious piece of shameless dishonesty and immaturity from the spitter.
I like how you refer to him at the end there. Based on his experience in the story, maybe he should just go around introducing himself to people as " Todd Barry with a 'A' ".
"As though a transplanted vowel is the gravest sin one person can commit against another's name in the first place…"
Yup, that was her. She seemed like a pretty one-dimensional, shrill character much of the time, but the episode I mentioned actually gave her a little more depth.
I was very happy to see Denny Dillon on my television as the therapist. I wonder if Louis C.K. was a "Dream On" fan or knew her from something else.
I just made the observation because I found the implication fascinating. Thanks for confirming that other people feel the same way. I was hoping someone would clarify that for me.
From the beginning, this show always had elements of both comedy and drama. As Pamela Adlon pointed out in her 'Random Roles' interview, it's really limiting to simply call "Louie" a comedy. I think it would be more accurate to describe the show as a 'dramedy', but there's no Emmy category for that.
Yes, those people would get it too. =) I was just thinking of myself in the moment when I typed that.
Yeah, that stuff drives me crazy. Like in movies when they hold too long on a shot of someone looking at something without showing us what they see. I liked the rest of the episode, but the end was irritating. I just felt like yelling, "Dammit, let us in on the joke, Louie!" He should have given us at least one shot…
Well, Louie's explanation for the casting was this actress being just one of many who auditioned and he liked her performance most (especially when she scolds him about taking a job). He added that if he'd decided to have a character based on his ex-wife earlier and found this woman back then, he might have cast his…
I imagine Whole Foods isn't very happy with the shot Louie took at them. The way he name drops them in the conversation with his ex-wife implies that only wealthy, pretentious yuppie snobs obsessed with status would shop there. Yikes.
I didn't like season 3 as much as the first two seasons…most of my favourite episodes are from them. For the moment, though, my favourite episode is "Model". That episode had everything that makes me love this show - really funny moments, insight, awkwardness, suspense, surprising twists and turns in the story, and an…
One reason she's so good is because she's not like those 'magic' kids in movies (i.e. "(500) Days of Summer") who talk like wise adults, giving advice and consoling adults in a way no kid ever would. Anyone who has been around kids from having younger relatives or teaching knows how authentic she sounds.
I love when he shows up in his car with a big douche-y grin on his face. I believe he passes by and waves in slow motion. Huge laugh for me. I remember him denying any dirty dealings, then he just makes it so obvious that he's the bad guy, without having to say a word.
I thought Cary Lowell was a pretty great Bond girl too. She had a different look and the scene where she mocks the other Bond girl's voice because she's jealous is one of the funniest moments I've seen in the whole franchise.
From the moment he wrote that, I just kept waiting and waiting for Rowan to follow-up with "I'm just kidding, I know Bush didn't actually play himself", or something to that effect. I couldn't concentrate on the review and was really taken out of reading it when that assurance never came.
I was disappointed when Wonder Woman only had about two lines. Especially since she was played by Cobie Smulders. Just imagine, she could have starred as this character in a live action Joss Whedon movie if the people behind the DC movies hadn't rejected his ideas. Too bad when she finally got to play the character it…
I kinda wish Hollywood had the budgets/technology to make these movies back when such dialogue was commonplace. I guess they could do it today if they made the movie a period piece, but people would probably just find that dialogue too laughable. I still want someone to make a Superman or Batman movie set in the '30s…
Oh, God. 'Feels' as a noun has now made it into a professional movie review.
This is a sad day.