Quote Unquote Sir

Don't forget "Siskel and Ebert Whack-A-Mole", complete with Siskel or Ebert yelling "Ow!" every time you bop one of them on the head
(as seen on "The Critic").

The man has a name, you know. It's Mark McGrath. "Sugar Ray" is the name of the band, not the lead singer. They're two separate entities. It's not like the lead singer's name is Ray and the band was named after him like Ben Folds Five or something.
Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

Agreed, and once again John Barrymore and a prima donna diva are highlights. =)

"Weekend at the Waldorf" isn't really a re-make, it's more like a meta riff on "Grand Hotel". There's a scene where Walter Pidgeon is romancing Ginger Rogers (their characters are the closest equivalents to the Garbo and Barrymore ones) and Rogers says something like, "You sound just like the Baron in that movie…". I

I hate how whenever there's a discussion of "Grand Hotel", some people see fit to rip Greta Garbo. Ugh. Sure, her character and performance are more one-dimensional than Crawford's, but so what? She didn't HAVE to give be a multifaceted individual to be worth watching. She just did her thing and it was always

I generally agree, but I recommend her work with Clark Gable (particularly "Possessed", my personal favourite) if you haven't seen it. They had tremendous chemistry together. Then again, he had good chemistry with just about anyone (although he and Garbo were a bit awkward together…too much of a personality clash).

Awww =( Loved her as Picard's 'office romance' on TNG. One of my favourite later season episodes and one of the few times when Star Trek did romance really, really well. I was surprised when I found out she was Australian. She really hid the accent in that episode. You have to listen hard to hear traces of it. I wish

I agree. I loved it back in '98. Watching again recently, I appreciated it even more. Now that I've seen some classic swashbucklers from the '30s/'40s, I can see how it was influenced by them, while at the same time having some well-handled modern flourishes, like the flirtation between Zeta-Jones and Banderas, as

This show was pretty cool in the '90s. I actually took it really seriously back then. They'd give 'best movie' to stuff like "Pulp Fiction", "Seven", and "Scream". They rewarded movies that were actually really original and intelligent, but too edgy or not 'prestigious' enough to win 'best picture' Oscars (or, in the

It's a close call, but I think that was ultimately another case of an anthology film with some great sequences surrounded by others that weren't so good.

Did she sit on your lap?

I think Patrick Wilson's mask in "Watchmen" is still one of the best comic book movie masks so far. I especially liked how he could pull it back like a hood, as seen in the later scenes. I hope to see a movie Batman with that kind of mask someday.

Haha, not at the time. I guess I should have said "a classmate".I was telling a story about something that happened when I was a student in the ninth grade.

As if the hanging isn't painful enough already…having it be prolonged like that is a sick joke on the victim. An appropriately sadistic end for a very sadistic character.

Shameful confession time…I did giggle during that scene while watching it in a class. I wasn't giggling at the innocent people being killed. I was giggling because right before that scene, there's one with a topless woman in the Fiennes character's bed.

Kudos on the praise for "Heaven Can Wait". One of my favourite movies I saw for the first time last year. Funny, satirical, and romantic all at the same time, and I doubt Beatty's ever been as likable as he was in that picture.

Thanks for clearing that up. I assumed it was some pro wrestler and the 'file photo' on the news was his official head shot.

I would just like to add that in addition to all of his accomplishments behind and in front of the movie camera, I was so impressed by what a sweet and kind person Ramis was when he was the guest host on "At the Movies".

You're right. Sorry, I should have known better. Actually, a friend of mine from England told me the same thing once. It was actually in a discussion of "Braveheart" as he expressed irritation at the movie's over-the-top the villainous depiction of his countrymen.

You think they went overboard demonizing the British in "Braveheart"? That's NOTHING compared to "The Patriot", in which Jason Isaacs murders Gibson's youngest son in cold blood right in front of him for no reason, smirks at Gibson, and hisses, "STYOOPID CHYLD!"