
You guys remember that episode where all the polar bears had that picnic? That was awesome.

Well, I cancel your cancellation of the nomination of Arrested Development and re-nominate it as a package *with* Skating With Celebrities. Everybody carry on.

True Story: I went to a Harlem Globetrotters basketball game with my family and my Sister started to root for The Generals. It would've been understandable if she were my age (I was 7 at the time), but she was at least 21.

I second the nomination for Arrested Development.

I think we all know the correct answer to this question is "The Hills."

I don't know
that Saber Tooth Tiger/Polar Bear thing is pretty much a dead give away, because there's never been a T.V show where people were stranded on a strange island and things that normally wouldn't be there show up. I mean, it would be like you were sitting there one day, making a telephone out of coconuts,

Hey I knew a guy named Tim O'Dell once, and oddly enough he was allergic to Salsa. Weird right? Anyway, I feel compelled to defend JVS and TWFSM because they are registered individuals who contribute a great amount with little to no actual trolling; which is rare these days. So if you don't mind shut the fuck up and

I agree, Mr. Caulk, it does seem like the right time to put a gun in the hands of Steve Rogers. I know if I were to be shot in the head and brought back to life that I would definitely start packing some heat. And isn't that a perfect metaphor for the current state of America? I'm seriously asking because I don't

Ah, but referencing TomWaits is just as good as a TomWaits post, because it reminds us of all the joy that previous TomWaits posts have brought us. So kindly make your way back to your hole and remember to put the lotion on it's skin or you'll get the fucking hose again. Ta Ta for now!

Well played, Failbot, well played.

I've been out of touch
so I'm not sure who died before who. Was it Captain America or Batman?

Hey, he was in Visioneers! Or so I've been told by IMDB, but you can't trust IMDB. Just the other night I walked in on IMDB nailing my girlfriend. Oh, sure she said it didn't mean anything and she was just checking to see how much Transformers had grossed thus far, but I knew, I knew…

It starts with a "gal" and ends with a "kis(s)." Dr. Robuttnik is correct about the pronunciation.

Oh, that's not the only person Jesse Helms beat on his way to a Senate career. If you catch my drift. ~wink~

~slow clap~ Motherfucking awesome.

I know a few people who would love to put another character in him. Hey now!

That would've been excruciating if it weren't for the steinberg addition. Nothing like making the name Cohen sound even *more* Jewish.

Rev., you just gave me and my lady an excellent solution to a very common problem. You see, I normally enjoy "good" films and she normally enjoys "better" films, so we never go to the movies together because we can never pick which one to go see. Is there anything the AV Club comments section *can't* solve?

Was it where your bathing suit covers, or did she just brush up against you on the subway or something? Either way, I'm sure there is fantastic counseling available for someone in your situation. You have my complete support as you move forward.

More like Generation Why?
Am I right? I'm right.