
Agreed, it was like a bunch of people rushed out fell on their keyboards simultaneously.

Somebody's monocle just exploded! Exploded I say!

Well, he's certainly helping himself. Oooooh I can't wait for the round of smug interviews he's going to give before this movie is released. It's profoundly entertaining how fucking much I want to punch him in his fat fucking face whenever I see him talk.

There already is a documentary about Michael Moore, it's called "Manufacturing Dissent," and it's pretty good, but to be honest it's almost completely fair and unbiased, so it's not really what you're looking for; however Moore does come out looking like a gigantic douche.

Thank you for that post AJR, it's has made my bleak, bleak Wednesday afternoon so, so much less bleak.

That's not obscure at all! I use "No sir, I don't like it" at least 15 times an hour while retelling the story of it's origin to whomever I've made that reference to, thus rendering it less obscure with each and every use! Huzzah! Foiled again!

Hey! You got two firsties thanks to the ol' double post. That's some nice work there, Lou.

Somebody needs to jump on a "The Greatest American Hero" movie and I mean quick like!

*and holy fuck did it make me giggle.

Tom, I read that in my head as Dana Carvey acting like a drunk off his face Forrest Gump, any holy fuck did it make me giggle.

You can't take it back, Bascule. I already started calling my co-worker Snausages. Oh, sure he doesn't have a fucking clue why, and he's a little on the heavy side so he's taking it kind of hard, but hey, when I read an edict I have to respond accordingly. So, for now it's back to tormenting Snausages for no reason


That's what I thought, Tom. I was all "Yeah, Frist Damnit!" Then the people in the office started giving me dirty looks so I had to stop.

OTP, you've seriously flustered me with that. I feel as if I failed my fellow AV Club Commenters.

OTP, leave him alone! It's hard to think clearly when you're so obviously irate at the fact that a movie you WILL NOT see is going to be made. I guess it IS up to US to see it.

Would it be okay if Danny McBride slams him into the side of a van while he's dancing to an 80's classic as well? Please?

Why not both? You can give it the benefit of the doubt that it will totally suck donkey cock. Right?

I'm not sure if anyone has noticed but Rabin made an error in the article above. Let's sit back and see if anyone notices.

Wait, wait, wait… Tyler Perry's target audience is black people? Well I don't understand that at all.

You've obviously never used an 11 year old child to plow your land, Unmutual. They may not be the strongest things in the world, but they have enough energy to work all day, and they'll do it for almost nothing. Also, they work ten times harder if you act like they're doing a shitty job.