
JVS, as it stands right now Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are in custody of Michael's children, oh and there's already been a custody trial. Nice, right?

My money is on Blanket having the first breakdown. Prince Michael is going to have a lucrative career training chimpanzees until he is horribly mauled to within an inch of his life by long time chimpanion "Prince Bubbles." Paris is going to follow in the footsteps of her father and spend the majority of her later

You know what I hate? Katherine Heigl. Even though she was in Knocked Up I still wanted to punch her in that stupid, I'm-better-than-you-but-I'll-still-cash-the-check- fucking-face of hers. So, yeah, there's that.

I think he tried to sell a DVD while he was being interviewed about his son's recent passing. I don't know the particulars, but I'm thinking it went like this:

Return of Son of The Beach: Baywatchin'

I'm shocked
Shocked! That Rabin would misunderestimate the ability of movie studios to further dumb down already borderline short-bus riding material.

You've just unearthed a huge scandal, my friend. For years the entire town of Riverdale tried to conceal Betty's tri-boobs, because it would reveal her as the alien that she is. If you follow the clues close enough, you'll start to realize the entire Archie series is Sci-Fi of the highest, most subtle order.

Hi, Burl! I never thought anyone else would be on my side of the aisle when it comes to defending Reggie. You've made my day. Thanks, Burl!

Archie Meets The Punisher
Was perhaps the greatest comic book crossover ever created by man and has yet to be duplicated. I challenge someone to name me a more ridiculous crossover comic that worked so, so well.

I remember playing "hip-hop" in the school yard as a young boy, and everyday some bitch would totally nail the triple single hop and land perfectly on the double-double foot squares and I'd lose. I mean, *everyday*.

Oh, fuck me then, right?

I don't know if I'm the first to say this or not, but Krauthammer is an awesome name. Makes me think of a German run ACE Hardware.

Don't get me wrong, as far as local, 24 hour news stations go, I'm a *huge* fan of RNews Rochester…

Anyone else
Super excited about the release of Murder She Wrote: The Complete 10th Season? I know I am. The only thing that would make it sweeter is the simultaneous release of Matlock and Diagnosis Murder.

God damn it! That's the day I *leave* Chicago! Argh!

Who *hasn't* wanted to beat up Wim Wenders?

Forgiveness pending.

Not a Canuck, but Rochester's TWC get's TSN.

Whoa, whoa, WHOA.

You're always welcome, Tom, and the timing couldn't be better. One of stables just opened up after an… accident. But, don't worry, I've personally scraped the peanut oil off the walls and tightened the screws to the bathroom rails.